Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Dr Jim Swire invites US Lockerbie relatives to join in new appeal application

[Here is a comment sent by Dr Jim Swire to the Bangor Daily News in response to yesterday’s article by Gwynne Dyer:]

Congratulations on a realistic article straddling the truth. My daughter Flora was murdered at Lockerbie, and since the Megrahi trial I have known that justice had been perverted by politics.

It is not however true that the case is closed. Within weeks I and certain other relatives will be requesting the Scottish Criminal Case Review Commission for a further appeal against the verdict. Why? Partly because knowing him innocent, Megrahi became my friend, so I owe him that. Partly because routine Western subversion of justice by politics must be stopped; besides the verdict is the weapon of choice for those obstructing our access to the truth. My daughter Flora would have wanted the truth known.

Any US relatives interested in joining in are welcome to get in touch.


  1. Press Release, issued the Register of the Court (ECH 069 (2014)11.03.2014 - (Application nos.52067/10 and 41072/11)

    Current jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) with signal effect for MEBO ! Text only in German language:

    In einem parallel Fall wie die mögliche Verjährung (Verwirkung) von MEBO's "Lockerbie-Schadenersatzklage" beim Schweizerischen Bundesgericht, hat der Europäische Gerichtshof in Strasbourg, am 11. März, 2014 der Schweiz das Gesetz über 10 jährigen Verjährungsfrist, unter parallen Umständen wie bei MEBO, gegen gesprochen.

    Wenn MEBO am 22. Juni 1989 gewusst hätte, dass der beschuldigte Offizielle durch Täuschung, die widerrechtliche Herausgabe des MST-13 Timer Circuit Board erwirkte, wäre ein Haftungsanspruch am 21. Juni 1999 u.U. verjährt.

    Abgestützt auf ein Affidavit vom 18. July 2007, ist ersichtlich, dass die Verjährung einer Strafanzeige und ein Schadenersatzklage frühstens ab diesem Datum beginnen könnte.
    Unter Berücksichtigung der neusten EGMR- Rechtsprechung kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass MEBO jetzt zu seinem Recht kommt.

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication Switzerlsnd. WWebpage: www.lockerbie.ch

  2. The Sunday Times
    From The Sunday Times
    August 16, 2009.......................................5 days before the Libyan was released.. 2 DIA agents were killed in the bombing
    US blamed Iran for Lockerbie bomb
    Jason Allardyce and Mark Macaskill

    American intelligence documents blaming Iran for the Lockerbie bombing would have been produced in court if the Libyan convicted of Britain’s worst terrorist attack had not dropped his appeal.
    Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence officer expected to be freed this week, had instructed his lawyers to produce US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) cables implicating the so-called “rogue state”.

    The memo suggests Iran was behind the attack on Pan Am flight 103, which killed 270 people in 1988, in response to the shooting down of an Iranian commercial airliner by the USS Vincennes, an American warship, five months earlier.
    One document the defence team had planned to produce was a memo from the DIA dated September 24, 1989. It states: “The bombing of the Pan Am flight was conceived, authorised and financed by Ali-Akbar Mohtashemi-Pur, Iran’s former interior minister.

    “The execution of the operation was contracted to Ahmad [Jibril], Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command (PFLP-GC) leader, for a sum of $1m (£600,700).
    “$100,000 of this money was given to Jibril up front in Damascus by the Iranian ambassador to Sy [Syria], Muhammad Hussan [Akhari] for initial expenses. The remainder of the money was to be paid after successful completion of the mission.”
    The document is included in an unpublished report by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, a public body which considers miscarriage of justice claims, and which in 2007 cast doubt on the safety of Megrahi’s conviction.
    The report also cites a DIA briefing in December 1989 entitled “Pan Am 103, Deadly Co-operation” which named Iran as the likely state sponsor of the bombing.
    The briefing stated that the PFLP-GC was “fast becoming an Iranian proxy” and that the destruction of Pan Am flight 103 to avenge the shooting down of the Iran Air 655 airbus may have been the result of such Iranian and PFLP-GC co-operation.
    The DIA briefing discounted Libya’s involvement in the bombing on the basis that there was “no current credible intelligence” implicating her. It stated: “Following a brief increase in anti-US terrorist attacks after the US airstrike on Libya [in 1986], Gaddafi has made an effort to distance Libya from terrorist attacks.”

    Robert Baer, a retired senior CIA agent who claims Iran was behind the attack, has alleged that the Americans were wary of pursuing the country in case it disrupted oil supplies and damaged the economy.
