Sunday 22 May 2011

London Councillor asks every MSP to back Pan Am 103 inquiry

[This is the headline over an exclusive report on the website of Scottish lawyers' magazine The Firm. It reads as follows:]

A London Councillor has contacted every new MSP in the Holyrood Parliament requesting them to endorse the public inquiry into the Pan Am 103 debacle called for by the Justice for Megrahi Committee.

Councillor David Durant, who represents the city's borough of Havering, called on MSPs to "help the search for truth and prove your Parliament is worthy of the name Parliament by supporting this petition."

The petition has been placed into the legacy papers and will be heard for an unprecedented fourth time before the newly constituted Petitons Committee.

"There was never a public inquiry into Lockerbie, but one day the truth will be told. Perhaps sooner than expected following the stunning SNP victory in May?" Durant writes.

"The Public Petitions Committee will soon discuss PE1370 Justice for Megrahi and MSPs can help the search for truth and prove your Parliament is worthy of the name Parliament by supporting this petition."


  1. A London Councillor has contacted every new MSP in the Holyrood Parliament requesting them to endorse the public inquiry into the Pan Am 103 debacle called for by the Justice for Megrahi Committee.

    Commendable approach by Havering Borough Councillor, David Durant, who presumably is paying the costs of this mail-shot out of his own pocket.

    Cllr Durant stood as the Third Way candidate for the former Westminster constituency of Upminster in the 2005 General Election. He came last with 78 votes.

    Did David Durant sign the PE1370 petition, I wonder?

  2. The really depressing thing, when watching the hearing before the Petitions Committee,was that so many of those on that Committee actually admitted to knowing nothing about the SCCRC report despite Megrahi's situation being all over the media for God knows how long. There really was no excuse for that.

  3. Pity that Anne McLaughlin (who as a Public Petitions Committee member was instrumental in keeping open JfM petition PE1370 in the last Parliament) was not elected an MSP at Glasgow Provan!

    Anne will therefore have been spared receiving a letter from Cllr Durant of the London Borough of Havering.
