Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Megrahi wasn't the bomber says Kenny MacAskill

[What follows is excerpted from an article by former Cabinet Secretary for Justice Kenny MacAskill published this evening on the iNews website:]

Only Megrahi and his co-accused were surrendered, though many others were wanted by the prosecution, and only he was convicted.

The evidence was weak, understandably given the circumstances. That has been compounded by doubts over Tony Gauci’s evidence. He was a crucial witness who identified Megrahi as the man who bought clothes placed in the suitcase containing the bomb. His already debatable evidence has been damaged by information that the Americans paid him for it.  

So there are doubts: but that doesn’t mean an appeal is certain to proceed or be successful. After all, Libya carried out the bombing. The evidence showed that, Gadaffi admitted it, and those who succeeded him accepted it. [RB: Gaddafi did not admit it. The terms of his regime’s “acceptance of responsibility” can be read here. The value of the hasty acceptance of Libyan responsibility by politicians who supplanted Gaddafi can be regarded with a measure of scepticism.]

Moreover, whilst Megrahi wasn’t the bomber, he was a senior Libyan agent.

Suggestions that he had no role in it are fanciful. But whatever the outcome, as with JFK, the arguments will run and run.

[RB: This is quite mind-blowing stuff from a lawyer: Megrahi “wasn’t the bomber” but because he was “a senior Libyan agent” (actually, he wasn’t) it is “fanciful” to suggest he had no role in the bombing! Forget about evidence, forget about due process, Kenny knows best!

An article by Mr MacAskill in much the same terms appears in The Scotsman edition of Wednesday, 5 July. It does not improve with repetition.] 

1 comment:

    Kenny MacAskill said on Tuesday July 4th 2017: "I’m convinced Megrahi had a role in Lockerbie bombing"...
    >> google translation, German/English: His dubiouse book "The Lockerbie Bombing" says everything about the "profile" of the former cabinet Secretary for justice, Kenny MacAskill. For his attempted escape from the questionable "machinations" which he had done to Mr. Abdelbaset al Megrahi, along with other officials - he must be held accountable...

    Kenny MacAskill- to finally shut up his mouth for his filthy insinuation against Mr Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, should be shown to him the new, "explosive" documentary film - (Lockerbie 4 revised) - of TV-Aljazeera !

    Unfortunately, at the time, to release the film documentation is through political reasons (QATAR dificultis) momentary been deferred; but he is in possession of Scottish investigations Detective Superintendent Stuart Johnstone (Operation SANDWOOD) and by our attorney Aamer Anwar & Co at Glasgow / SCOTLAND...

    in German language:
    Der frühere 'Cabinet Secretary for Justice' Kenny MacAskill, sagte am Dienstag, den 4. Juli 2017: "Ich bin überzeugt, dass Megrahi eine Rolle bei Lockerbie Bombardierung hatte"...
    Sein zwielichtiges Buch "The Lockerbie Bombing" sagt alles über das "Profil" von Kenny MacAskill, aus. Für seine versuchte Flucht aus den fragwürdigen "Machenschaften", welche er , zusammen mit anderen Offiziellen, Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi angetan hatte, muss er zur Verantwortung gezogen werden...

    Um Kenny MacAskill - um Ihm für seine schmutzigen Unterstellungen gegen Mr Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, endgültig den Mund zu stopfen - sollte man Ihn mit dem neuen, brisanten Dokumentar Film - (Lockerbie 4 revidiert) - von TV-Al Jazeera, schockieren !
    Leider wurde zur Zeit, die Filmdokumentation aus politischen Gründen (QATAR Krise) zurückgestellt; aber der Film ist glücklicherweise, im Besitz des schottischen Untersuchungsbeamten, Detektiv-Superintendenten, Stuart Johnstone (Operation Sandwood) und bei unserem Rechtsanwalt, Aamer Anwar & Co in Glasgow / SCOTLAND ...

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication Switzerland. Webpage: www.lockerbie.ch
