Monday 2 January 2017

Wikileaks: Lockerbie bomber released after Gaddafi’s threats against UK

[This is the headline over an article published on this date in 2011 on the Crethi Plethi website. It reads as follows:]

The British government’s deep fears that Libya would take “harsh and immediate” action against UK interests if the convicted Lockerbie bomber died in a Scottish prison are revealed in secret US embassy cables which show London’s full support for the early release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.
Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, made explicit and “thuggish” threats to halt all trade deals with Britain and harass embassy staff if Megrahi remained in jail, the cables show. At the same time “a parade of treats” was offered by Libya to the Scottish devolved administration if it agreed to let him go, though the cable says they were turned down.
Document 1: Britain ‘between a rock and a hard place’ over Megrahi.
Document 2: US ambassador to Tripoli says Libyan officials warned the UK of ‘dire consequences’ if Lockerbie bomber Abdelbasset al-Megrahi died in a Scottish prison. Threats included commercial sanctions, severing of political ties and suggestions that the welfate of British diplomats and citizens would be at risk.
Document 3: Britain feared Libya would ‘cut us off at the knees’ if Megrahi was not released.
Document 4: Scottish government ‘shocked’ by Megrahi outcry.
Document 5: US diplomats voice ‘strong concerns’ over Qatar’s role in Megrahi release.
Document 6: US suspicion surrounds Tony Blair’s visit to Libya.
Document 7: UK feared hero’s funeral for Megrahi.
[RB: The relevant cables are reproduced in full in the article.]

1 comment:

  1. DOSSIER LOCKERBIE, APPEAL YEAR 2017, >> google translation German/English:

    If this story, published 2011, by 'Crethi Plethi' was truth, then why, after that would in the year 2007, from the Scottish Judiciary - granted Al-Megrahi's appeal from the SCCR Commission, (possible miscarriage at 6'points) - has been "right-delayed", and not but taken immediately at hand ! For the Appeal, everything had been prepared since the beginning of 2009.

    In that way Abdel Basset Al-Megrahi, would be according to his desire, through a fair judgment, with a high probabilit - at an early stage, as innocent, LEGAL and HEALTHY, with HONOUR - in Scotland dismissed!
    In order that Abdelbaset Al Megrahi could be immediately dismissed, he was compelled, with a false medical report, to withdraw the appeal. The result deceived Al Megrahi, that he would live only 3 months! .... DISGRACE!
    Ali Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi lived almost 3 years and died on 20 May 2012. "Justice for" Al Megrahi ...


    Wenn diese Story, veröffentlicht 2011, bei 'Crethi Plethi', der Wahrheit entsprechen würde, hätte die Schottische Justiz - das im Jahre 2007, erteilte
    Al-Megrahi Appeal, der SCCR-Commission (mögliches Fehlurteil in 6'Punkten) - nicht "Rechts-verschleppt", sondern sofort an die Hand genommen!
    Dadurch wäre Abdelbasset Al-Megrahi, nach seinem Wunsch durch ein gerechtes Urteil, mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit - als UNSCHULDIG frühzeitig, LEGAL und noch GESUND, mit EHRE in Scotland entlassen worden! Alles war seit Ende 2008, für das Appeal vorbereitet...
    Damit Abdelbaset Al Megrahi sofort entlassen werden konnte, wurde er mit einem unwahren Arztbefund, dazu genötigt, das Appeal zurückzuziehen. Der Befund täuschte Al Megrahi, dass er noch 3 Monate leben werde !

    Ali Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi lebte noch fast 3 Jahre und starb am 20. Mai 2012. Gerechtigkeit für Ali Abdelbaset Al Megrahi !

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd Telecommunication Switzerland. Webpage:
