Wednesday 29 September 2010

Parliamentary petition launched for Holyrood action on Pan Am 103 investigation

[This is the headline over a report published today on the website of Scottish lawyers' magazine The Firm. It reads as follows:]

The Justice for Megrahi committee, originators of the international petition calling for a full inquiry into the entire Pan Am 103 debacle from 1988 to the present, have announced that they have commenced the launch of an action via the Holyrood public petitions mechanism, to request the Scottish Parliament to initiate action.

The petitions mechanism was launched to allow the public to directly access the legislative process without relying on an MSP to raise proceedings, in theory thereby bypassing potential party political blockades.

Both the Holyrood Parliament and the UK Parliament at Westminster have stated that they would cooperate with such an inquiry, but both have signalled that they believe it is the responsibility of the other Parliament to launch it.

Last week, following his return from Tripoli where he met with Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, Dr Jim Swire announced that the UK families of victims of the Pan Am 103 would resurrect the appeal dropped by Megrahi, evidently under pressure and the mistaken belief that it would assist his return to Libya.

He also added that Megrahi's own daughter had become a fully qualified lawyer since his incarceration. It is not yet known if she will play an active part in the resurrected appeal proceedings.

[As soon as the e-petition has been lodged with the Scottish Parliament's Public Petitions Committee, I shall reproduce its terms on this blog.]


  1. The quest for the truth started like a little snowball at the top of a mountain, and as it rolled down hill, bit by bit at first, it picked up more mass and momemtum.

    At some point it will be big enough to flatten whatever politician or person that attempts to stand in its way, its speed and momentum having built to the point where nothing can stop it.

    Which political leader will be the first to see that snowball coming and realize its potential to destroy?

    Attn. Fullinquiry:

    The little snowball at the top of a mountain must begin with the crime machinations from MST-13 Timer fragment (PT/35) made through ex FBI Expert Tom Thurman !

    Read the article of ex
    "Thomas Thurman the crook inside FBI"
    and for more information, look the two video films about Tom Thurman on the webpage: http://www.lockerbie,ch

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd.,Switzerland

  3. I somehow missed this pot before. Most interesting news. Obviously the appeal is more important than an e-petition, but it seems there are still major question marks over just how possible that really is.

    He also added that Megrahi's own daughter had become a fully qualified lawyer since his incarceration. It is not yet known if she will play an active part in the resurrected appeal proceedings.

    That's a good combination to find it out. Man, what motivation she had to get into law!

    And then there's a third and perhaps more approriate route outside parliaments and the courts- the police. D&G were tasked with solving this crime to begin with, they went badly astray, and they insist the case is still open. Why the heck shouldn't they be pressured to check two main leads? Being:
    1) Isn't it quite possible they got it wrong first time?
    2) What other leads besides Megrahi/Libya would be worth looking into.

    If they could do that honestly and with just the records I could send them, things would start sorting themselves out then.
