Sunday 5 October 2014

The United States Empire

[What follows is excerpted from a long article by Washington DC attorney Bruce Fein headlined The United States Empire which was published yesterday on the website of The Washington Times:]

If the United States is not an empire, the word has lost all meaning.

No sparrow falls in the forest that does not provoke a national security assessment and response.

At present, we are employing military force in six countries — Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

In 2011, we reduced Libya to rubble after Muammar Gaddafi did our bidding in abandoning weapons of mass destruction and in paying more than $1 billion to compensate for the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland. (...)

We dot the planet with hundreds of military bases.

We police the oceans with aircraft carriers, submarines and battleships.

We dominate the skies with spy satellites, stealth aircraft, and hundreds of fighters and bombers.

We have outstanding economic sanctions against 20 nations for bad behavior.

We control cyberspace with the ubiquitous collection, retention, and search of electronic communications of friend and foe alike.

We expend $1 trillion annually on national security, a sum more than the collective defense expenditures of the rest of the world.

We honor secrecy more than transparency, a quest for a risk-free existence more than liberty.

We bedeck the presidency with the trappings of a Roman emperor, including a bloated Pretorian Guard and a White House staff approaching 500. Roads are closed and traffic stops whenever the president travels. (...)

In sum, the United States has become a full-fledged empire.

Acknowledging this truth is the first step to curing the disease. Otherwise, self-ruination will be our fate. As Abraham Lincoln presciently lectured: “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

1 comment:

  1. Living with the "Lockerbie Affair", 2014 (google translation german/english):

    Soon, 'MEBO' have it achieved, that we can intergrate, via a Swiss criminal proceedings, in the "Lockerbie Case" on the mutual, 'International Legal Assistance Treaty' from October 30, 1990, between Switzerland and Scotland / UK.

    The Swiss justice had authorize the extraordinary prosecutor Felix Bänziger, which is from the 'supervisory authority of the Attorney General' (AB-BA), against a known and unknown government employees in Switzerland, to cause a criminal investigation, is now the handling that the 'Scottish Justice', the ultimate, fatal impacting circumstantial of evidence against Libya, the MST-13 timer fragment (PT-35) - finally must bring to Switzerland, where the 'Forensic Institute of the canton police Zurich', in addition to technical features, also can be analyzed for traces of explosives.

    If the MST-13 timer fragment
    (PT-35) - allegedly discovered in Lockerbie and representated on an FBI-submitted photo, after the assessment of Edwin Bollier (MEBO Ltd.) - was brought for illegal reasons, on 27 April 1990, to the private company Siemens in Munich / Germany - and was so the Swiss Bureau of Investigation, from "dubious Fakts", an examination of the
    MST-13 timer fragment (PT-35) excluded ?
    Today it is known that the fragment (PT-35) in company. Siemens on order from Scottish officials, was cut in two sections, (PT-35/b and DP-31/a, so the manipulated fragment , was able to present as nearly perfect piece of evidence (Patchwork / duplicate) in the evidence process (luckily only almost ...) !

    original version in German langage:

    Bald wird 'MEBO' es geschafft haben, dass durch eine erreichte schwei-zerischen Strafuntersuchung im "Lockerbie Fall', auf das gegenseitige, 'Internationale Rechtshilfeabkommen' vom 30. Okt. 1990, zwischen Schweiz und Scotland / UK, zugegriffen werden kann.

    Durch den ausser ordentlichen Staatsanwalt Felix Bänziger, welcher von der, 'Aufsichtsbehörde über die Bundesanwaltschaft' (AB-BA) ermächtigt wurde, gegen einen bekannten und unbekannte Staatsangestellte in der Schweiz, eine Strafuntersuchung zu veranlassen, besteht jetzt die Hand-habe, dass die 'Scottish Justice', das entscheidende, fatal auswirkende Indizien Beweisstück gegen Libyen, das MST-13 Timerfragment (PT-35) - endlich in der Schweiz bringen muss, wo es beim 'Forensischen Institut der Kantons Polizei Zürich', neben technischen Merkmalen, auch auf Sprengstoffspuren analysiert werden kann.

    Wurde das angeblich, in Lockerbie aufgefundene MST-13 Timerfragment
    (PT-35) - abbgebildet auf einer vorgelegten FBI-Foto, nach der Beurtei-lung von Edwin Bollier (MEBO Ltd) - aus ilegalen Gründen, am 27. April 1990, zur Bearbeitung zu Firma Siemens nach München/Deutschland gebracht - und wurde damit der schweizerischen Untersuchungsbehörde, aus "dubiosen Fakts", eine Prüfung des MST-13 Timerfragments, (PT-35) vorweg genommen ?
    Heute ist bekannt, dass das Fragment (PT-35) bei Fa. Siemens auf Ver-langen hin von schottischen Offiziellen, in zwei Teilstücke, (PT-35/b und DP-31/a, zersägt wurde, damit man das manipulierte Fragment, als fast perfektes Beweisstück (Patchwork / Duplikat) im Indizien Prozess vorlegen konnte (zum Glück nur fast...) !

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication Switzerland. Webpage:
