Friday 20 December 2013

Lockerbie: US intelligence maintained doubt about Libya's role

This is the headline over a report published today on the Exaro News website.  A sub-heading reads “Secret documents show how US privately retained view that Iran was behind bombing” even after Libya was being publicly identified by the US and UK as responsible for the attack.

The relevant intelligence documents were discussed and analysed more than two years ago by Dr Davina Miller in her seminal article Who Knows About This? Western Policy Towards Iran: The Lockerbie Case which featured at the time on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. MISSION LIFE WITH LOCKERBIE, 2013 -- Go on ground to new facts... (google translation, german/english):

    At the Court in Kamp van Zeist (2000/2001) the judges of the prosecution and the lawyers of the Defense in the "Lockerbie process"- by an obvious and fatal impacting deception had negligently accepted legally and integrated the MST-13 timerfragment (PT-35) as "crucial key" circumstantial evidence piece in the judgment, against Abdelbaset al Megrahi and Libya! (sign)

    The CIA- and *RARDE-experts, decisive the witness, number 355, All Feraday, testified at the Court (under oath) - that the crucial MST-13 timer circuit board (PT-35) - was by 'RARDE' not examined for explosive powder traces ! sign.*RARDE - (Defense Research Agency Division at Fort Halstead)
    The fatal testimony on his identification of the circuit board fragment - what key evidence--that led to the conviction of one of the two accused Libyan - Abdelbaset al Megrahi.

    Through the negligent and deliberate accepted key evidence, the Court has the principle of fair trial, in accordance with art. 6 of the ECHR violated. Thus the Scottish justice must become legal obliged, to allow a further examination of the MST-13 Timerfragment (PT-35).

    Am Gericht in Kamp van Zeist (2000/2001) haben die Richter der Anklage, sowie die Anwälte der Verteidigung, im "Lockerbie Indizien Prozess"- durch eine offensichtlich, fatal auswirkende Täuschung - das MST-13 timerfragment (PT-35) fahrlässig als entscheidendes Indizien - Beweisstück, rechtskräftig akzeptiert und im obskuren Urteil gegen Abdelbaset al Megrahi und Libyen, verankert ! (sign)

    Die CIA- und *RARDE - Experten, massgeblich der Zeuge, Nr. 355, Allen Feraday, bezeugte am Gericht (unter Eid) - dass das manipulierte und entscheidende 'MST-13' Timer Fragment (PT-35) - bei 'RARDE' - nicht auf explosions Spuren untersucht wurde ! sign.
    *RARDE = (Defense Research Agency Division at Fort Halstead)

    CIA said: The fatal testimony on his identification of the circuit-board fragment - was Key Evidence - that led to the conviction of one of the two accused Libyan - Abdelbaset al Megrahi !

    Durch das fahrlässig und vorsätzlich akzeptierte Schlüssel Beweisstück, PT-35, hat das Gericht den Grundsatz des "fair trial", gemäss Art.6 EMRK verletzt.
    Somit muss die Scottish Justice rechtsgemäss verpfichtet werden, eine forensiche Nachuntersuchung über das MST-13 Timerfragment (PT-35 im Interesse des verstorbenen Abdelbaset al Megrahi und den Hinterbliebenen der Opfer von PanAm 103, in Auftrag zu geben !

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication, Switzerland. Webpage:
