Monday, 11 July 2011

An interview with the British ambassador to Libya

[The following is an excerpt from an interview given by the UK's ambassador to Libya to the rebel-supporting Libya TV and published yesterday on its website:]

The H2O law firm, which represents the British victims of IRA bombings, visited Benghazi three weeks after the revolution erupted. Did they reach a deal with the NTC?
The law firm received an understanding and support at a later stage. The NTC has committed to helping clarify the Lockerbie case, the Yvonne Fletcher case and IRA victims.

Moussa Koussa, a former intelligence chief, defected to the UK and was permitted to leave without charge in April. He currently resides in Qatar and was at the contact group meeting in Doha. Is he helping the UK?
Moussa Koussa’s defection was a political gain for the revolution. He has given his commitment to the British government to talk to the police and help them with their investigations. No doubt he needs to rebuild his life in Doha.


  1. Guys - I have added a post to the thread of Sunday 3rd July 2011"Was Lockerbie Key Evidence Antedated".
    Serious contributors may find it of great interest.

  2. Northern, like most diplomats, is a message boy sent by grocery clerks, trained never to say anything inflammatory to the extent they say nothing. I will never forget his taped performance, replayed on Libyam state television, where he attempts to explain to an obviously streetwise local militia why a group of SAS have just been arrested deep into the country, "Oh! You must have been surprised...but they were only a forward party looking for hotel accommodation."
