Friday, 30 September 2011

Lockerbie: CIA made US State Department attorney ‘lie’ to UN Security Council

This is the headline over an article by Patrick Haseldine published today on Dr Christof Lehmann's NSNBC website.  It deals with the published views of Michael Sharf, the US State Department lawyer who drafted the UN Security Council resolutions that imposed economic sanctions on Libya following the refusal to extradite Abdelbaset Megrahi and Lamin Fhimah after they were accused by the United States and the United Kingdom of being responsible for the bombing of Pan Am 103. Mr Sharf (now a professor at Case Western Reserve Law School in Cleveland, Ohio) is reported as saying that the case was “so full of holes it was like Swiss cheese” and should never have gone to trial. The article can be read here.


  1. Do not forget--- we have it to do in the "Lockerbie-case" with two different "forms of facts" and with an political colored process at Kamp van Zeist (2000) ...:

    1) On 21 December 1988 with a political terrorist act of revenge on Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie (this real attack, have nothing to do with the official of Libya Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi).

    2) from *14-15. November 1991, with a political conspiracy against the Libyan regime, in connection with the alleged bombing, on 21 December 1988, on
    Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie.
    *(Date of the US / UK Indictment);

    3) The Observer of the UN, Professor Dr. Hans Köchler which the "Scottish" process at Kamp van Zeist monitored for the UN, appraise the alleged criminal
    case against Lamin Khalifa Fhimah and Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, was clear a political Process !

    Please visit Friends of Justice for Megrahi on facebook:

    Nicht vergessen--- wir haben es im "Lockerbie-Fall" mit zwei verschiedenen "Tat-Formen" und einem politisch gefärbten Prozess in Kamp van Zeist (2000) zutun...:

    1.) Am 21. Dezember 1988 mit einem politischen Terror-Racheakt auf PanAm 103, über Lockerbie (reales Attentat, welches nichts mit dem libyschen Offiziellen Abdelbaset Al Megrahi und Libyen zutun hat).

    2.) ab *14./15. November 1991, mit einer politischen Verschwörung gegen das Libysche Regime, im Zusammenhang mit der angeblichen Ausführung des Attentats, am 21. Dezember 1988, auf den Flug PanAm 103 über Lockerbie. *(Datum der US/UK Indictments);

    3.)Der Observer der UNO, Professor Dr. Hans Koechler, welcher den
    "schottischen" Prozess in Kamp van Zeist für die UNO überwachte, wertete den angeblichen Strafprozess gegen die Angeklgten Fhimah Lamin Khalifa und Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, klar als einen politischen Prozess ein !

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd.Telecommunication Switzerland. URL:

  2. On Facebook today, Mark Zaid commented: "Patrick, I am confused by your statements here. You're making it sound as if Scharf's statements, the accuracy of which I will check, are new when they seem to have originated from a newspaper article published in 2006."

    I responded: "Mark, Professor Robert Black has clarified the position today in respect of Professor Michael Scharf's statements. Please let me know if your confusion persists."

    To which, Mark replied: "I suppose, although it would be a lot clearer and more appropriate to clarify that these are past comments he allegedly made. There is nothing 'new' here, which is not to say I am impugning the comments themselves.

    "Michael has been a friend of mine for about 20 years and we worked together on many projects over the years. I even guest lectured in his class a few times when he was at New England School of Law, as well as participated in conferences - including on Pan Am 103 - at his invitation."

  3. Patrick,
    a fine piece of work!
