Thursday 11 June 2009

Cabinet Secretary for Justice on prisoner transfer

George Foulkes (Lothians) (Lab): To ask the Scottish Executive when it expects to respond to the request by the Libyan authorities for the transfer of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi.

(S3W-23693) 19 May 2009

Kenny MacAskill: The Prisoner Transfer Agreement states that "The requested State shall inform the State requesting the transfer of its decision whether or not to agree to the requested transfer, normally within 90 days of the receipt of the request. If a decision cannot be notified within 90 days of the request, the requested State shall inform the requesting State of the reasons for any delay and use best endeavours to notify the requesting State of its decision as soon as possible."

Whilst I will deal with this application expeditiously I will consider it thoroughly and will ensure I have all relevant information available to me before reaching decisions.

Nigel Don (North East Scotland) (SNP): To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S3W-23693 by Kenny MacAskill on 19 May 2009, what consideration it will give to the views of the people affected by the Lockerbie air disaster in considering the application for the repatriation of Mr Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi.

(S3W-24638) 9 June 2009

Kenny MacAskill: The Scottish Government has received a number of representations relating to the application submitted by the Libyan Government for transfer of Mr Megrahi.

As I stated previously, I am considering the application thoroughly and will ensure I have all relevant information available to me before reaching decisions. The application is being considered with regard to the terms of the Prisoner Transfer Agreement and appropriate judicial procedures. Economic and political considerations have no place in this process.

The Lockerbie Air Disaster remains the most serious terrorist atrocity committed in the United Kingdom. I am aware of the pain and grief still being experienced by many people whose lives were affected by it both here in Scotland and across the world. As part of my consideration of the application, I will be meeting with groups and individuals who have submitted relevant representations to the Scottish Government and listening to their views.


  1. Kenny: just say NO to the PTA request, and let Mr Megrahi's appeal result in the overturning of his wrongful conviction!

  2. So that Libya's get free of its continuous bad images about the "Lockerbie Tragedy, a reverse criminal charge and a condemnation have to go by the Scottish Justice against former official experts of RARDE and officials of the Scottish Police!

    The Scottish Justice is in the possession by MEBO of manipulated proofs for the Lockerbie-Case, concocted by Scottish officials.
    The main subject against Libya, dealt with the notorious 'timer circuit board MST-13 fragment', called PT35B in the court records.

    FBI Special Agent and Task Force Chief Richard Marquise answered Gideon Levy's (VPRO) question G. L.: Would you have a case if you wouldn't have these evidence (MST-13 timer)? R.M.: Would we have a case. It would be a very dificult case to prove. It would be a very dificult case to prove ... I don't think we would ever had an indictment.

    And he said also: But I can tell you that now money was paid to any witness, any witness prior to the trial. No promise of money was made to any witness prior to the trial. G.L.: And was there paid any money after he trial? R.M.: I'm not gonna answer that.

    And he said: If someone manipulated evidence, if somebody didn't invesitgate something that should have been investigated, if somebody twisted it to fit up up Megrahi, or Fimah or Libya, then that person will go to jail. I mean that sincerely, that person should be prosecuted for that.

    We hope the Scottish Justice takes this fact to knowledge and goes into a faster action with a criminal charge against her officials than with the case of Mr. Abdelbaset al Megrahi...
    More information on URL:

    Demand of justice in the name of all which are concerned of it.
    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland

  3. Manipulated evidence material, which justifies a criminal immediate accusation against Scottish officials!
    It is time the scottish miscarriage of justice is to be revised.
    Minimum this manipulated evidence material had brought Libya and its official Mr. Abdelbaset al Megrahi, in connection with the Lockerbie Tragedy:

    1.) The fragment of one MST-13 Timer, brown colored, police no. PT-35B, PT-35(b), DP-31(a) produced from a not functional prototype MST-13 circuit board (see Affidavit, of eng. U. Lumpert, MEBO Ltd., from 18th July, 2007).
    Jointly responsibly for the manipulation: Dr. Thomas Hayes and Mr. Allen Feraday (RARDE).

    2.) The fragment from the MST-13 Timer, duplikat from no.1, green colored, police no. PT-35(b) produced from a not functional Thüring circuit board.
    Jointly responsibly for the manipulation: Dr. Thomas Hayes and Mr. Allen Feraday (RARDE), Scottish police Inspector William Williamson and Inpector Langford-Johnson, strathclyde police Glasgow.

    3.) Radiorecorder-fragment, police no. AG/145, from a Toshiba radio "BomBeat", type RT-8016/RT-RF16. This fragment comes from a Toshiba radio recorder type RT-8016, but not from a Toshiba RT-8016/RT-RF16, supplied from Toshiba company to Libya!
    Jointly responsibly for the manipulation: Expert Allen Feraday, (RARDE) and unknown persons.

    4.) Manipulated examination side no. 51, Date 12,5, 1989, Ref. PP'8932, + photomontage with the manipulated police label
    no. (168) PI-995.
    Jointly responsibly for the manipulation: Dr. Thomas Hayes, expert Allen Feraday, phographer Heines, all persons from (RARDE).

    5.) Manipulated police Labels, DP 137 from Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary Scotland, chanched date from 15 September 1990 to 10 September 1989!
    And Label no.(168) PI-995: Various debris including a multilayered fragment of white paper from a Toshiba radiorecorder manual was registered on original police label no. PI-95 from 17/01/1989.

    Under discription of the article was originally written: cloth (charred).

    After the manipulation of (PI-95) the new designation was PI-995 with the same date, 17th of January 1989. The text of the discription of the article was changed into debris (charred).
    The police-label with the manipulated designation PI-995 was misused by Dr. Hayes in his falsified and additionally added EXAMINATION page no. 51!

    For remembrance: On the falsified page No.51 from the 12th of May 1989 Dr. Hayes noted under designation of material:
    PT-35,(b) a fragment of a green coloured circuit board.
    It is strange and not normal that the altered police label PI-995 was signed by 7 officials; (ex Lord Advocate Fraser say, all the Label was signed by 2 police officers)!
    Jointly responsibly for the manipulation:

    Dr. Tom Hayes, Allen Feraday, Derek Henderson, Thomas Gilchrist, Tom McColm, Ron McManus and Cal Mentoso!
    Question: Did these persons had to take the responsibility on themselves, if the criminal fraud would be noticed? And had every of these officials to secure himself face to face of the others?

    More information and evidence pictures on URL:
    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland
