Tuesday 8 September 2015

Invitation to attend Justice Committee's Megrahi petition session

[If any supporters of Justice for Megrahi would be interested in attending the next meeting of the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee at which JFM’s petition is to be considered, please contact JFM’s secretary, Robert Forrester, as soon as possible (forrester.robert[at]gmail.com). The circumstances are outlined in the following communication from Mr Forrester:]

I have been informed by the Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament (JC) that the Justice for Megrahi (JFM) petition, PE1370, will be called for consideration before the JC on the morning of Tuesday, 15th September 2015.

The JFM Committee has already presented its submission for the event. At the JC's request we have done this well in advance of the normal deadline, should any pertinent matters arise in the interim, we will, of course, send in a supplement to cover this. We will doubtless be in a position to make our submission available to you before the JC session, however, for the time being, we must observe parliamentary protocols.

This particular session is of great significance to our cause since we are now in immediate confrontation with the Lord Advocate and the Crown Office over the issue of our request for an independent prosecutor (ie: independent of the Crown Office, and appointed by an individual or body independent of the Crown Office) to consider the Police Scotland report on the 9 JFM allegations of criminality levelled at Crown, police and forensic officials. Under normal circumstances, of course, such a report would be considered by the Crown Office, however, these are far from normal circumstances.

I include this link, which has been up on the JC site for some months now, in order to provide some context: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S4_JusticeCommittee/General%20Documents/20150526_JFM_response_to_LA.pdf

I intend to make a maximum seat booking for JFM (9 seats total). Around half of these are already spoken for by our committee members. I will not be in a position to make the booking until the window opens on Thursday 10th. Therefore, if any of you would like to state an interest in attending, please inform me as soon as possible: first come, first served.

At the end of next week, along with any additional information, I shall send out the usual details regarding how the session may be watched live on the parliamentary television broadcast.

Thank you as ever for your support. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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