Friday 31 October 2014

Justice for Megrahi petition once more on Justice Committee agenda

At its meeting on Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 09.30 in Holyrood’s Committee Room 1, the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee will again consider Justice for Megrahi’s petition (PE1370) calling on the Scottish Government to institute an independent inquiry into the prosecution, trial and conviction of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi (agenda item 7).  The papers for the meeting can be read here (this is a document of 66 pages, which are not numbered consecutively internally; however, the pages relevant to JFM’s petition are pages 33, 34 and 39 to 42 as indicated by your computer). The papers consist of two letters to the Committee from Justice for Megrahi and a report on a meeting between representatives of JFM and the Police Scotland team investigating JFM's complaints of criminal misconduct in the Lockerbie investigation, prosecution and trial. 

The proceedings can be watched on Parliament TV ( In respect of timings, the committee staff inform us that the petitions item is likely to be reached at around 11.45

1 comment:

  1. Living with the "Lockerbie Affair", 2014 (google translation german/english):

    Libyan rendition victims’ case must be heard, Court of Appeal rules. All illegal and criminal Deals from ex Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, including the deal - known as "in the dessert" - with the coerced withdrawal of promising Appeals in the Lockerbie case, coupled with the immediate release of Abdelbaset al Megrahi, on August 20, 2009 ; must be judged by a court in Great Britain.

    Alle illegalen und kriminellen Deals von ex Primier Tony Blair, inklusiv der Deal - bekannt als "in the Dessert" - mit dem genötigten Rückzug des Erfolg versprechenden Appeals im Lockerbie Fall , verbunden mit der sofortigen Freilassung von Abdelbaset al Megrahi, am 20 Aug, 2009; müssen von einem Gericht in Gross Britanien beurteilt werden.
    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication Switzerland. Webpage.
