Tuesday 24 July 2012

Megrahi's QC Maggie Scott appointed High Court judge

[A report published today on the BBC News website reads in part:]

One of Scotland's top lawyers has been appointed as a High Court judge.

Maggie Scott QC, who led the Lockerbie bomber's abandoned appeal case, was chosen as a Senator of the College of Justice by the Queen, following a recommendation from First Minister Alex Salmond.

It means she will sit as a judge in the Court of Session and the High Court of Justiciary.

She is expected to take up the post later this year.

Mr Salmond is said to have nominated the high-profile QC on the basis of a report by the independent Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland. (...)

The 52-year-old became a solicitor in 1989 and was admitted to the Faculty of Advocates in 1991, before becoming a QC in 2002.

Since 1991 she has been involved mainly in criminal defence work, specialising in appeals, and was appointed a part-time sheriff in 2002.

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