Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Lockerbie: Steckte 
wirklich Libyen dahinter?

I am grateful to Edwin Bollier for drawing my attention to this long article in German in the current issue of the Swiss magazine Beobachter.  The title translates as "Lockerbie: was Libya really behind it?" It deals principally with the evidence relating to the (alleged) timer fragment PT35b that was presented by the Crown at Zeist (and accepted by the court) as showing a link between Libya and the bomb that destroyed Pan Am 103. As metallurgical investigation has now demonstrated, however, PT35b did not come from one of the MST13 timers supplied by Mr Bollier's company MEBO to Libya. A reasonably good translation of the article is available through Google Translate.


  1. Well, that's new! The reference "Togo" timer had a component that was never part of any of the timers Bollier supplied to Libya.

    Unfortunately virtually all of this article seems to emanate fundamentally from Mr. Bollier, and I've long since learned to view each of his new "revelations" in the case with a very jaundiced eye.

  2. Sorry Mr Rolfe I think your views on this important matter are jaundiced....
    All my statements by police and at the court in Kamp van Zeist are facts and the evidence are absolut fundamental crucial evidence.
    You need to ask the question: the CIA really has these MST-13 timer from TOGO ? The MST/13 timer circuit board on photo, prod. nr. 31, shows a circuit board with the cristal quartz number 4.194304 ?... a replica ? MEBO Ltd used cristals with number 4.194303 ! Learn from experte Allen Feraday (RARDE) from its testimony.

    In excerpts:

    A "B, the component parts of one frequency crystal. The grey-coloured plastics sleeve from around the crystal bears the identifications `Nymph 4.194304 Nyp041-12.'. "C, a white label marked `00620050 WG K-1. FBI laboratory." Can we pause there, Mr. Feraday.

    Q Do you go on then to explain what we've already commented upon, that this was the item that was examined by you in June of 1990 in Washington?
    A Yes, sir.

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication, Switzerland. URL:

  3. Only a Court can legally overturn Megrahi’s conviction and America and its hired help in Britain and Libya will put pressure on Megrahi’s family not to pursue this matter.

    But establishing the truth is not dependent on a court case and should be pursued for political reasons, because the Lockerbie lies are part of a diet of lies to excuse a shoot first foreign policy that is deeply immoral and damaging to British and Scottish interests.

    Lockerbie matters for personal, patriotic and anti-war reasons.

    America has become a rogue state and even if realpolitik makes us complicit in their lies let’s not lie to ourselves about the truth.

    Let’s not forsake our souls in the service of the ‘special relationship’.

  4. MISSION LOCKERBIE, 2012. (google translation, german/english):

    The lawyers of Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd, Marcel Bosonnet & Wick, have on the 4th June 2012 at the Swiss Attorney General criminal proceedings against known and unknown officials (ex BUPO) submitted, as well as an action for damages at the Department of Finance of Sfr. 47,7 millionen In addition, international legal assistance is requested by the Swiss authorities. On 30th September 1990 in the Lockerbie case, reciprocity in mutual assistance, Lord Advocate of Scotland, had granted the Switzerland.
    The lawyers ask the Scottish justice a forensic review of the MST-13 Timerfragments of PT/35: PT/35(b); DP/31(a) in the presence of international experts.
    Die Rechtsanwälte von Edwin Bollier und MEBO Ltd, Marcel Bosonnet & Wick, haben am
    4. Juni 2012 bei der Schweizerischen Bundesanwaltschaft Strafklage gegen bekannte und unbekannte Offizielle (ex BUPO) sowie eine Schadenersatzklage beim Finanzdepartement über Sfr. 47,7 millionen eingereicht.
    Zusätzlich wird von den Schweizer Behörden internationale Rechtshilfe verlangt. Lord Advocate von Scotland, hatte der Schweiz am 30. September 1990 im Lockerbie-Fall, Gegenrecht in der Rechtshilfe gewährt.
    Die Rechtsanwälte verlangen von der Scottish Justice eine forensische Nachprüfung der MST-13 Timerfragmente PT/35: PT/35(b); DP/31(a) in Anwesenheit von internationalen Experten.

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication Switzerland. URL:
