Friday 28 October 2011

Ex-intel chief to Gaddafi wounded, raising more questions about handling of detainees

[This is the headline over a report published yesterday in the Checkpoint Washington section of The Washington Post website.  It reads in part:]

The former intelligence chief to Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi was seriously injured Tuesday while in the custody of the National Transitional Council, fueling concerns about the treatment of loyalists to the deposed government.

The cause of Abuzed Omar Dorda’s injuries are disputed, but a relative of Dorda, a one-time UN envoy, has appealed to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council president to intercede with Libyan authorities to protect the former official, saying he had been the target of an assassination attempt by his jailers. The UN’s special representative to Libya, Ian Martin, has instructed his staff to look into the claim. 

“Mr Dorda survived a murder attempt last night, 25 October, 2011, at the hands of his guards in the building where he was arrested,” Adel Khalifa Dorda, a nephew and son-in-law of the Gaddafi loyalist, wrote on behalf of the Dorda family. “He was thrown off the second floor leading to several broken bones and other serious injuries.” 

The nephew said authorities were forced to move Dorda to a hospital in Tripoli, where “as of now he is being held under extremely poor conditions.” 

The militiaman in charge of the hospital on Thursday confirmed Dorda was injured but refused to allow a reporter to interview him. The militiaman, Sadiq Turki, gave varying accounts of how Dorda was injured, first saying he had tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a second-story window, then saying the former official had been trying to escape his detention facility. 

“He’s the one who gave orders to kill and rape in Tripoli,” Turki told a reporter at the Mitiga military hospital. He declined to allow a reporter to talk to Dorda, saying, “This is confidential.” (...)

[Surgeon, Faraj] Al-Farjani and another doctor, Yahia Moussa, said Dorda’s wounds weren’t life-threatening but were serious for a 71-year-old man. The doctors said they hadn’t been able to question Dorda about how he was injured. (...)

Dorda had long been a high-ranking official in Gaddafi’s government, playing a role during his years at the United Nations in negotiating the deal that ended UN sanctions on Libya imposed after the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and paving the way to a financial payout to relatives of the victims. 

[Omar Dorda played a significant part in gaining and maintaining Libyan Government acceptance of and support for my neutral venue proposal for a Lockerbie trial and in resolving difficulties that arose (largely through the intransigence of the then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright) after the United States and the United Kingdom eventually accepted the need for such a solution. Without his quiet diplomacy at the United Nations in New York, I doubt if a Lockerbie trial would ever have taken place.]



    Behind the spruce
    You lead the people behind the "spruce": Conservative politicians from black to green, from NATO to UN. There we have to "pick up" again.
    Hinter der Fichte
    Sie führen das Volk hinter die "Fichte": Konservative Politiker von schwarz bis grün, von NATO bis UNO. Dort müssen wir es wieder "abholen".
    Read the full article, only in german language, at URL:

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland. URL:

  2. MISSION LOCKERBIE, 2011, doc. nr.7060.rtf. (google translation, german/english):

    “That’s for Lockerbie!” screamed "The Sun" over a picture of Muammar Gadhafi's Execution (October 21) !
    Of course, it was most definitely not for "Lockerbie". The soldiers who dragged him off chanting “God is great” did not have the 1988 bombing of flight Pan Am 103, over the town Lockerbie foremost in their minds as they cocked their rifles and took aim ?
    Or It was an expected result, supported from a interview of 'NTC' Chaiman Abdul Jalil, in the Swedish Newspaper "Expressen" published ?
    On 23-25 February 2011, there was a questionable message from Abdul Jalil spread over the international medias -- that Colonel Gadhafi, have orchestraded the bombing of Pan Am 103 and he ordered Abdelbaset Al Megrahi to smuggle into Air Malta a "bomb-bag" -- determined later for the transit flight Pan Am 103 in London Heathrow.
    To date, Abdul Jalil could not provide his promised evidence for his immoral criminal story !

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland. URL:
