Monday 19 September 2011

Lockerbie Libya Syria; Who to frame next

This is the heading over a long article by Dr Christof Lehmann published yesterday on his NSNBC website. It explores some of the well-known concerns about the Megrahi conviction and bears to have been motivated by a "recent article" by Dr Ludwig de Braeckeleer about the Lumpert affidavit. The article in question was in fact published on 6 September 2007, though it has been featured over the past few days on a number of websites, such as this one, as if it were new.


  1. MISSION LOCKERBE, 2011, (google translation, german/english:

    In Great Britain and Scotland the justice is lost ?

    Some official ones of Great Britain and Scotland strive with all means the politically colored "Lockerbie-Affair" to hold on in the criminally developed condition !
    It would be absolutely possible with today's forensic means, within a short time to find out, the final truth facts in the largest fraud in history Scotland' s would uncover...
    Mr Abdelbaset Al Megrahi and Libya/NTC do not have to do anything with the "PanAm 103 tragedy". Al Megrahi - Justice for Scottish Innocents.

    Ist in Great Britain and Scotland die Gerechtigkeit verloren gegangen ?

    Einige Offizielle von Great Britain und Scotland bemühen sich mit allen Mitteln die politisch gefärbte "Lockerbie- Affäre" auf dem kriminell aufgebauten Zustand zuhalten !
    Es wäre mit den heutigen zur Verfügung stehenden forensischen Mitteln absolut möglich, in kurzer Zeit endgültige Tatsachen zuschaffen, welche den grössten Betrug in der Geschichte Scotland's aufdecken würde...
    Mr Abdelbaset Al Megrahi und Libyen/NTC haben mit der "PanAm 103 Tragödie" nichts zu tun.

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland, URL:

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