Saturday 5 March 2011

Libyan leader ordered Lockerbie bombing, envoy tells NJ senators

[This is the headline over a report published on Thursday on the New Jersey Courier Post Online website. I refer to it (and to a further news report that can be read here) because the ambassador to the US, Ali Aujali, had previously stated that Libya had agreed to compensate the relatives of the victims only in order to get back into normal diplomatic and commercial relations with the US, the UK and the rest of the Western world, and not because of any recognition of responsibility for the bombing. The report reads in part:]

But Ali Suleiman Aujali didn’t produce evidence to back up his claim during a meeting with New Jersey Democrats Robert Menendez and Frank Lautenberg and New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand.

He offered to put U.S. officials in touch with the just-resigned Libyan justice minister, who has proof, Lautenberg said. (...)

Before the U.S. establishes diplomatic ties with a new government, Menendez said he would push for the Libyans to extradite Abdel Basset al-Megrahi so he could spend the rest of his life in an American prison. (...)

Of the 189 Americans on board, 38 were from New Jersey.

[Because of continuing problems with the telephone service and with electricity supply here in the Roggeveld Karoo, postings on this blog are likely to remain intermittent.]


  1. MISSION LOCKERBIE, 2011, doc. nr.1073.rtf., google translation german/english:

    Reproach to: the Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and U.S. Senators:
    As long as the 'Scottish Parliament' the 800 discharge documents of the Scottish Criminal Cases Reappeal Commission (SCCRC) predict in 6 points, a "Miscarriage of Justice", and the document under National Security (PII) keep secret and will not open, --- the Libyan official Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, Libya, and recently Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, should not be linked in conection with the Lockerbie tragedy ! The focus is clearly over the 'Scottish Government'.
    Interesting question, why are the families of victims PANAM 103 completely uninterested in this decisive matter ?
    Are they afraid befor the TRUTH or from SOMETHING others (e.g. before the possible repayment of the US$ 2.7 billions) ? ...

    Vorhaltung an: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton und an die US Senatoren:
    Solange das 'Scottish Parliament' die 800 Entlastungs-Dokumente der Scottish Criminal Cases Reappeal Commission (SCCRC) welche in 6 Punkten ein "Miscarriage of Justice" prognostizieren; und das Dokument unter National Security (PII) geheim halten, bezugsweise nicht geöffnet werden, --- sollte der Libysche Offizielle Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, Libyen und neuerdings Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, mit der Lockerbie-Tragödie nicht in Verbindung gebracht werden ! Der Fokus liegt eindeutig über dem 'Scottish Government'.
    Interessante Frage, wieso sind die Familien der PanAm 103 Opfer an dieser massgebenden Angelegenheit / Aufklärung völlig desinteressiert ?
    Fürchten sie sich vor der Wahrheit oder vor etwas anderem (z.B. der möglichen Rückzahlung der US$ 2.7 milliarden ?)...

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland. URL:

  2. Roggeveld Karoo sounds like Craigmillar.
    Btw - Stuart Cosgrove just came out on his radio program, Off The Ball, saying, he doesn't believe Megrahi was the Lockerbie bomber.

  3. MISSION LOCKERBIE, 2011, google translation german/english:

    Now it comes to the light how much "hypocrite" around in Gaddafi's inner circle was integrated and have good benefits in this time. To day the "hypocrite" want with untruths, without evidence, in context with the Lockerbie tragedy, "spreading" Colonel Gaddafi 1988 for the Pan Am 103 attack have given the order..
    So will the hypocrites secure their future in the U.S. and UK...
    Jetzt kommt es an den Tag wieviele "Heuchler" sich in Gaddafi's engeren Kreis eingeschlichen und profitiert haben, welche sich heute mittels Unwahrheiten, ohne Beweise, im Kontext mit der Lockerbie-Tragödie in den USA und UK ihre Zukunft absichern wollen; indem sie "streuen", dass Colonel Gaddafi 1988 den Auftrag für die PanAm 103 Attacke gegeben habe.

  4. What a sick demand from these twisted, ugly-hearted little senate worms.

    They wanted him to die under Gaddafi, so they could fob it off on him and claim there was never any cancer. Now they FULLY EXPECT a new leadership, and would rather have the comatose man kick the bucket in the homeland of his accusers. Then they'll admit to the cancer, but maybbe fob it off on Gaddaafi (engineered in Libya to justify the bribed release).

    It's probably not really that crazy, but a thought.

  5. Caustic Logic said: What a sick demand from these twisted, ugly-hearted little senate worms.

    According to Gordon Brown, at least two of those ugly-hearted little senate worms (Lautenberg and Menendez) have received campaign funds from Maurice Tempelsman who was the US representative of the De Beers Diamond Cartel, now a criminal enterprise.

    "De Beers stood to lose the most valuable diamond mining property in the world and monopoly control of the global diamond business if Lockerbie victim Bernt Carlsson reached New York and brought action against them as was his intent" (
