Monday, 20 December 2010

Another Lockerbie bomb is set to go off

[This is the heading over an article by George Galloway on his blog on the Daily Record website. It reads as follows:]

I'm going to Libya in the first week of the new year with Mick Devine, of the Scottish-Libyan business link, and Celtic supporters champion Brian Dempsey. The priority is to win business orders for Scots companies and thus jobs for Scottish workers. But if Abdelbaset al-Megrahi is still alive and conscious, I hope to speak with him.

If not, I'm promised discussions with those in possession of the kind of evidence which will explode the real scandal.

Not that the Scottish government released Megrahi from jail but that the Crown kept Megrahi behind bars when they knew he was an innocent man.

In any case, I will be discussing these issues at the highest levels and I give the Crown Office fair notice that if I get to Holyrood, I'm going to unmask this conspiracy.

The Scottish Crown Office is in all sorts of trouble now but that's as nothing, compared to the storm brewing for them if I get elected to the Scottish Parliament in May.

There are several decisions they have made which I shall be pursuing but none is as serious as the case of Megrahi. The Scottish government took abuse for releasing him on compassionate grounds due to his imminent demise, now so imminent that even the most hardened cynic should shut up, surely.

The First Minister was even accused of seeking Libyan largesse for Scotland in return for the release now debunked by the Wikileaks revelations that Scotland turned down "a parade of goodies", as Salmond always insisted.

But the real scandal is not that he was released but that he was incarcerated for so long in the first place.

The appeal against conviction, which he was forced to withdraw for no necessary legal reason, contained material so explosive as to put even the murderous attack on the airliner into the shade.

Those who placed the bomb on board PanAm 103 were terrorists. The bombs in Megrahi's appeal all relate to the Crown Office.

I believe they knew the Libyan was innocent and he was convicted on trumped-up charges, while his country was falsely accused.


  1. Three wise men take the camel train across the desert in the first week of the New Year...that's been done before.

  2. MISSION LOCKERBIE: doc. 1015.rtf. 20th of Dec. 2010
    google translation german/english

    Bravo George Galloway, we have a similar opinion. The large "News-Bomb" go off for United Kingdom, according to a new appeal and the opening of documents relating to of the (SCCRC) and (PII).
    Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi about of new (non-public knowledge) can nothing have to do with the attack on Pan Am 103 - (from so specific reasons) ! MI-6, the UK-intelligence service, must know of this fact since May 1989? ...
    Bravo George Galloway, wir sind ähnlicher Meinung. Die grosse "News-Bombe" geht für United Kingdom los, nach einem neuen Appeal, bezugsweise nach der Öffnung der (SCCRC) und der (PII ) Dokumente.
    Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi kann aus neuen (noch unveröffentlichen Kenntnissen, aus speziefischen Gründen) nichts mit dem Attentat auf PanAm 103 zutun gehabt haben !
    MI-6, der UK-Intelligence Service, musste über diese Tatsache seit May 1989 informiert gewesen sein ?...

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland, URL:

  3. ebol: Bravo George Galloway, we have a similar opinion.
    George Galloway wont see it that way, I wouldn't think. He hates violence and indiscriminate violence.

  4. attn blogiston,
    I also hates violence and indiscriminate violence.

    Incidentally: I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    please before you quote philosopher "Kong Fuzi" and make such comments, write not only by their various code names but also by the name real. I stand by all the publications with my real name.

    best, Edwn Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland

  5. Oh, do correct me if I am wrong, but I thought at Kamp Zeist it was established, that in the eighties, your company made time bombs and/or time bomb components, or knew your timer components were being used in bombs activated by those timers, despite your country, Switzerland, being a signatory (18.06.1981) to the 1980 treaty on conventional weapons - a treaty on international humanitarian law, proposed by the ICRC in Geneva (just down the road from your factory).
    A treaty which in Protocol II: Mines, booby-traps and other devices outlaws their use. Where other devices applies to the product you were making, "other devices: manually emplaced munitions and devices, including improvised explosive devices, which are designed to kill or injure and which are actuated manually, by remote control or automatically after a lapse of time."

  6. The sad thing here is that Galloway will be in it for him and no one else. Sorry, I admire him at times of course, his performance at congress was superb, but I worry that his involvement in this will switch a lot of people off.

  7. For Jo G: here is George Galloway interviewing Dr Jim Swire about Mr Megrahi's release from jail a year ago.

  8. MISSION LOCKERBIE, reply to blogiston:

    Vosicht was Sie da versuchen uns zu-unterstellen !!!
    Um solche Leute wie Sie, endgültig "Mund-Tot" zumachen, wünschen auch wir für MEBO Ltd., dass ein neues Appeal zustande kommt, oder die Dokumente von (SCCRC) + (PII) geöffnet werden !

    Es ist fies und vorsätzlich aus einem Timer das Wort Zeitzünder (time-fuse) zumachen. Die uns angehängte 3-Haftpflicht für die Boeing 747 von PanAm kostete US$ 32'000'000.-- +5% Zins. Da liegt der Hauptgrund, wieso wir keine Ruhe geben, bis die Wahrheit an den Tag kommt...

    MEBO Ltd und seine Besitzer, haben nie mit Zeit-Zünder, Bomben oder Sprengkörper etc. gehandelt, oder solche hergestellt !

    MEBO Ltd handelte oder fabrizierte Elektronik, Communications und Verschlüsslungs Geräte, Funk-Fernsteuerungen und Timer sowie Zubehör zu Funkgeräten wie Hör-und Sprechgarnituren etc.

    Elektronische Timer ohne Zünder sowie Funk-Fernsteuerungen fallen nicht unter Kriegsmaterial, bezugsweise unter conventional weapons act. (18.06.1981).

    Alle Arten von Timer und elektronische Fernsteuerungen, mobile Funk-Telefone, Funkgeräte mit Anrufsignal, Fernsteuerungen für Modellflieger/Autos usw, sind Geräte welche im zivilen Gebrauch milliardenfach verwendet werden.

    Mit jedem dieser Geräte können Sprengsätze aktiviert werden. Ich konnte den Untersuchungs-Behörden von PanAm 103, (1990) auf 27 verschiedene Timer-Uhren im Handel hinweisen, welche sich zur Aktivierung eines Sprengsatzes geeignet hätten. Heute werden es sicher doppelt soviel sein...

    Timer und Fernsteuerungen werden im zivilen Leben für alles Mögliche gebraucht.
    Solche Geräte werden erst gefährlich, wenn jemand mit böswilliger Absicht, diese Geräte mit einem Zünder verbindet und damit ein Sprengkörper (IED) konstruiert. ("IED"= improvised explosive device).

    Dazu kommt, dass MEBO beweisen kann, dass das angeblich in Lockerbie aufgefundene Timerfragment (PT/35), von einem nicht funktionsfähigen MST-13 Timer (Prototype-circuit board) abstammt!
    "The crucial evidence MST-13 Timerfragment (PT/35) was manipulated from U.K.-Officials !
    Wir können, zusammen mit professionellen Fachleuten in wenigen Minuten beweisen, wieso das MST-13 Teil-Fragment DP/31(a), gelagert im Gerichts Archive in Edinburgh, von einem Prototyp-circuit-board abstammt; wenn das "Scottish Parliament" an der Wahrheit interessiert ist ?

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication Switzerland. URL:

  9. ebol:
    So, leaving aside PANAM103, you are saying that your company, who supplied timers to the Stasi and the JSO (Libya), never knew these timers were being attached to explosive and used to trigger this explosive via the time-lapse method of detonation?
    Did you ask these customers what they were doing with the timers?

  10. Galloway may be exactly what's needed to kick this off. Imagine him in full flow in Holyrood.

    Aye he's a self publicist but so what.

    Pressure needs to be put on Parliament to do something, no party is going to volunteer to be the ones who say the Lockerbie verdict was wrong but get someone larger than life like Galloway into the frame & that just might stir the mix up enough for more MSPs to crawl out of the woodwork.

  11. Patrick, thanks for that.

  12. MISSION LOCKERBIE, reply to blogiston:

    Entschuldigung, aber sind Sie naive ? Fragen Sie die Englische Armee wann sie zur Sicherheit ihrer Camps Timer Marke R**** einsetzen ? Vermutlich um 3-Minu-ten Eier zukochen ?
    Ende dieses Dialogs.
    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd.

  13. Hi Observer, you're right of course. I think I'm just wary of how Galloway is perceived here in the MSM. And of course he was right over Iraq and you and I know this but the Scottish press has this habit of presenting him as some sort of eccentric with the added message that he isn't to be taken seriously.

  14. For Jo G and all seekers of the truth about Lockerbie: here is Gorgeous George's interview with VPAF103, Inc's US president Frank Duggan, who ends up calling Dr Jim Swire and Prof. Robert Black CRANKS.


  15. Oh yes Patrick, I've heard that one! It was excellent! Duggan made a monumental fool of himself.

    I'm not anti-Galloway. I have exchanged emails with him often re the Palestine situation. I also think his position over Iraq was courageous. He was thrown out of the Labour Party for that eventually.

    He is undoubtedly a very clever man. He went head to head with the US Congress and won.

    I respect him in many ways. I think, as I said earlier, that Observer is right and I'm allowing the MSM in this country to make me nervous about Galloway because of the way they tend to present him. I apologise for that.

  16. ebol: Ende dieses Dialogs.
    Leichter gesagt als getan.

  17. It's a shame Christopher Hitchens had so little to say about Lockerbie. Unlike George Galloway he has some credibility.
