Sunday, 11 July 2010

Megrahi's state of mind

Al-Miqrahi spends his days in his house in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, nearly as a complete recluse, apart from some visits by some of those close to him from his family.

An informed Libyan source who met with Al-Miqrahi recently said that he avoids talking to the various domestic and international media organs

The source who spoke with Asharq Al-Awsat on the condition of anonymity added: "Due to the condition of health, Al-Miqrahi suffers from a psychological problem. It is not a serious issue, but he is slightly depressed, and has expressed his annoyance with some of what is written about him."

The same source reveals that Al-Miqrahi has expressed some negative comments on the way the Libyan authorities deal with him. However, he reiterates that he is receiving intensive medical and social care under the supervision of the al-Gaddafi [International Charity and] Development Foundation, which is chaired by Engineer Saif-al-Islam al-Gaddafi, the second son of Libyan Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi. (...)

An official source at Al-Gaddafi Development Foundation says that a team from the foundation supervises the provision of all the needs of Al-Miqrahi and his family. The source points out that Al-Miqrahi receives great attention from Al-Gaddafi's son.

The source adds: "He (Saif-al-Islam al-Gaddafi) is on constant contact and is well informed about the situation of Al-Miqrahi. This is purely a humanitarian issue. Saif-al-Islam's interest stems from humanitarian reasons, and does not reflect any political aspects."

The source explained to Asharq Al-Awsat in a telephone interview from Tripoli that: "The foundation does not hesitate to offer all types of support, including medical care. Al-Miqrahi also gets financial help for himself and for his family."

The Libyan authorities keep silent about the reality of Al-Miqrahi's health condition. Omar al-Sinusi, the official spokesman of Tripoli International Center, which is located at the eastern entrance of Tripoli, and in which Al-Miqrahi receives treatment, has refused to comment to Asharq Al-Awsat on the announcement by the cancer expert, Karol Sikora, that Al-Miqrahi might live for another 10 years. (...)

Al-Miqrahi has published on a private website on the Internet documents, which he says that they prove his innocence of blowing up the Lockerbie airliner. Bear in mind that Al-Miqrahi has never admitted that he was involved in the incident, and that Libya considered him to be a "political hostage." For years, Libya has exerted efforts to secure his release.

The families of the Lockerbie victims have demonstrated differences in their viewpoints of the Lockerbie case since the tragedy occurred some 20 years ago. While British families said that Al-Miqrahi was convicted wrongly, US families expressed their conviction that he was guilty, and criticized his early release.

Al-Miqrahi denies playing a role in the blowing up of the airliner, and says that he was an employee of an airlines company, and was not a Libyan intelligence officer, as it is claimed.

[The above are excerpts from a report published today on the website of the Cairo-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat.]


  1. "Due to the condition of health, Al-Miqrahi suffers from a psychological problem. It is not a serious issue, but he is slightly depressed, and has expressed his annoyance with some of what is written about him."

    Yeah, I'm annoyed by it too, and that'sjust from knowing it's wrong. If they were calling ME a mass murderer, it would be a major bummer to me.

    Hang in there Mr. M. You'll be hated for now, but history will correct it sooner or later.


    Of highly topical interest and very importantly; unfortunately only in German language

    In einem Statement auf seiner privaten Webpage, bezeugt Mr. Al Megrahi nochmals, dass er und Libyen mit der PanAm103 Tragödie nichts zu tun haben und er kein "Offizieller" war. Seine Unschuld will er jetzt beweisen mit der Veröffentlichung aller Unterlagen von der(SCCRC) und Dokumenten, wie Besprechungs-Memo der Untersuchungsorgane, und Absprachen der Security Services und des Nachrichtendienstes.

    In der Schweiz wurde eine Geschäfts-Prüfungs-Kommission (GPK-NR) gegründet um die Tatsachen im schweren Streitfall Libyen /Schweiz ("Hannibal" Gaddafi) in welchen auch die EU eingeschaltet wurde, zu untersuchen. Zusätzlich wurde die GP'Kommission mit einer zweiten Kommission (GP'Deligation) ergänzt.

    Diese zweite Deligation konnte in geheimgehaltene Archive vordringen, z.B. in Archive der ehemaligen Bundespolizei (BUPO) und fand u.a. 200 000 sogenannte "Fischen" (nach schweizer Gesetz verbotene Aufzeichnungen über schweizer Bürger)!

    Es ist zu hoffen, dass in diesem Zusammenhang eventuelle Dokumente des Nachrichtendienstes und Statements-Aufzeichnungen (Memos) inbezug mit "Lockerbie" und anderen Security Services aufgedeckt werden konnten, welche als Beweise zugunsten der Unschuld für Libyen's und Al Megrahi's verwendet werden können.
    Aus Gerichtsdokumenten geht hervor, dass CIA, MI-6 und der schweizerische Nachrichtendienst in der "Lockerbie-Affäre" zusammen arbeiteten!

    Tatsache ist, dass der ehemalige Chef der 'BUBO', Urs von Daeniken, als Kordinator im staatlichen Rechtsdienst des Bundesrates, im Juli 2010 (vor 10 Tagen) nach dem Besuch der (GPDel) sofort entlassen wurde!

    Urs von Daeniken war seit 1989 (seit Beginn der "Lockerbie-Untersuchung" in der Schweiz bis *2000, nach dem *Gerichtsurteil gegen Al-Megrahi) Chef der 'BUPO', welche während dieser Zeit den Fall PanAm 103, in der Schweiz untersuchten.

    Von Daeniken war folgedessen auch Chef von Kommissar Peter Flückiger (Zeuge No. 567, in Kamp van Zeist) welcher eine fragwürdige Rolle in der unmoralischen Beschaffung des MST-13 Circuit Board bei MEBO spielte.
    (see Affidavit, Eng. U. Lumpert vom 18.Juli 2007)

    Die schweizer Medien gaben auch bekannt, dass von Daeniken eine hohe Position im Nachrichtendienst bekleidete und selbststänige Handlungen ausführen konnte, ohne den Bundesrat darüber zu benachrichtigen...

    1) Frage in einem möglichen "crucial" Zusammenhang: "Welche staatlichen "Organisation" hatte am 13. September 1996, dem Lord Advocate in Scotland, das Dokument unter 'National Security' (PII)übermittelt und von welcher Person wurde das Dokument unterzeichnet"? (the secret documents referred to in Chapter 25)

    2) Frage: Welche staatliche "Organisation" hat bis heute Interesse daran, das Dokument 'PII' geschlossen zuhalten?
    Procecuting consel Ronnie Clancy Scotland gab am 20. Februar 2008 bekannt: the secret document did not originate from the USA or one of is agencies as the CIA.
    Somit kommt aus speziefisch bekannten Gründen nur ein Staat infrage, welcher ein Motiv hat bis heute das 'PII' zu verschleiern...

    Für Libya und Al Megrahi wäre die fällige Öffnung von 'PII' der erlösende Schlüssel, für die Anerkennung eins Miscarriage of Justic...

    Ich hoffe, der massive Streitfall zwischen Libya und der Schweiz kann durch komplette Aufklärung aller Fakts endlich beigelegt werden.

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO LTD, Switzerland, URL:

  3. Saif Al-Islam is an Engineer? I thought he went to the LSE!

  4. I wonder if Megrahi is a bit depressed because he realises his appeal would probably have been concluded by mow, and he would probably have been a legitimately free man, if he hadn't been suckered by the three-month prognosis into discontinuing it?
