Thursday 1 October 2009

Lockerbie discussion

[I am grateful to a reader of this blog who sent me the following e-mail.]

I read your Lockerbie blog with interest, and have recently become involved with a discussion thread on the JREF forums about Lockerbie where I learned of its existence.

The current thread where most of the discussion is happening is at

JREF if you are not aware is the James Randi Educational Foundation, the forums hosted there are mostly home to skeptics, and the forums contain some of the most detailed and comprehensive debunking of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories to be found online.

It's somewhat telling that to date there is very little support at all for the "Official Theory" amongst the forum posters. I am firmly of the opinion that Megrahi has suffered a huge miscarriage of justice, hopefully one day the truth about the whole thing will come out and the real culprits identified and prosecuted.

I thought you might find the discussions at JREF re Lockerbie interesting, hence this email.



    Most informationen of James Randi forum are professional, to be recommended, congratulations !

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland

  2. The current thread of the JREF blog is entitled Was the MST-13 timer fragment planted in the wreckage of Pan Am 103? and was started on 15 September 2009 by the blogger Rolfe.

    If you have six or more hours to spare, you will find the argument developed there absolutely fascinating.

    In the extensive text, there was some talk of VIPs being pulled off Pan Am Flight 103 at the last moment, but as we all know the 23-strong South African delegation, who were booked to travel on that flight - because the 1986 US Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act banned direct flights by South African Airways - arrived early enough at Heathrow for six of the party to travel on the morning flight Pan Am 101 to New York (so they could not have been "pulled off the flight") - see
    REUTERS12NOV94.jpg !

    Rolfe also says at one stage: "It could be as simple as Megrahi did it but they couldn't bring their real evidence to court so they resorted to fabrications (though I don't think so), right through to deliberate, state-sanctioned murder of either Charles McKee or Bernt Carlsson (I don't think that either)."

    Rolfe obviously hasn't heard about my latest petition to prime minister, Gordon Brown:

    If Rolfe is a Brit, he ought to sign up!

  3. As someone in these discussions, it's been illuminating how little counter-argument anyone can offer besides "well, he was convicted!"
    Might I also point out Rolfe started threads in other relevant forums at JREF, including one "Do you think Megrahi did it?" with a poll that had interesting results; the top response, at 38%, was "I'm familiar with the evidence presented, and I don't believe he did it"

    BTW one of the conclusions we've reached there is the timer fragment was never brown, never swapped, or marked with an "M" and that Mebo's claims are hopelessly bizarre and confusing. Nonetheless, the fragment is plenty suspicious...

    Mr. Bollier, hello!
