Tuesday 22 September 2009

US State Department briefing

[What follows is an excerpt from yesterday's US State Department daily press briefing by Department spokesman Ian Kelly.]

QUESTION: Glenn Campbell from the BBC. Has the United States forgiven the Scottish Government for releasing the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing?

MR. KELLY: Well, our views on that issue, of course, are extremely well known. Again, we’ve passed these views both in private channels and in – also publicly. I think just about everything that we have said to the governments in London and Edinburgh through diplomatic channels have mirrored what we’ve said publicly. I don’t think it’s a matter of forgiving anybody. I think all along, we recognized that Mr. MacAskill had the right to do what he did. We objected extremely strenuously at many different levels and in many different channels to the release of Mr. Megrahi.
I think at this point, we’re looking to move on. We’re looking to continue the very important cooperation that we have with the United Kingdom and with Scotland. We have very deep and abiding ties with Scotland. These ties are cultural. They’re – we share political values. We have many family ties. My own father, as you probably can guess from my first name, is Scottish. He was born in Edinburgh. So we’re looking to move on. We’re looking for a – to continue this important relationship that we have with Scotland.

QUESTION: Is there any diplomatic price for the Scottish Government to pay?

MR. KELLY: We are very close allies, and I think allies – I don’t think we’re looking to punish anybody, per se. There’s no tit-for-tat here.

[Today's edition of the Financial Times runs an interview with Louis Susman, the new US ambassador to the UK, in which he expresses his views about the Megrahi release and the "special relationship".]



    Mebo say: A chance opens that Mr. Megrahi's retreat of his Appeals judicially is invalid and can be continued under other Solicitor's on 2nd November 2009!
    Professor Dr. Hans Koechler UN Observer on "Lockerbie-Trail" in Kamp van Zeist, explained to me:

    +++ "Es ein anerkannter Rechtsgrundsatz, dass Entscheidungen nur dann gültig sind, wenn sie im vollen Besitz der Freiheit getroffen worden sind. Ich habe bereits unmittelbar nach Bekanntwerden von Megrahis Antrag auf Einstellung des Berufungsverfahrens verlangt, dass die Umstände, unter denen dies geschehen ist (einschliesslich der Rolle, welche die Verteidigung dabei gespielt hat), aufgeklärt werden müssen."+++

    Mebo: Eine Chance eröffnet sich, dass Mr. Megrahis Rückzug des Appeals gerichtlich als ungültig erklärt werden muss und dementspechend das Appeal am 2. November 2009, fortgesetzt werden kann.
    more soon after Mr. Megrahi's contact...

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland

  2. Mission Lockerbie: Mysterious and outrageous !!!

    Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi's advertise online publication on internet of legal documents that he says clear his name has been condemned by Scotland’s law chief Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini as well as victims’ families.
    Does a new scandal begin? Why Mr. Megrahi had withdrawn its success promising Appeal, in the prison Geenock, shortly before beginning?

    Professor Dr. Hans Koechler, UN Observer during " Lockerbie trial" in Kamp van Zeist, explained to me:

    +++ "That after Scottish right it is "for so called; compassionate release" not necessary that a condemnation withdraws its appointment. This would have been only necessary, if Megrahi on the basis of the British-Libyan agreement had returned over prisoner transfer to Libya!
    Megrahi did thus without each reason without its right that its appellate procedure keeps running also after its death. Possibly it was not correctly instruct" in the prison Greenock, over the legal situation!"+++

    German text comes in English language soon...

    MEBO stellt die Frage in den Raum: Wurde Mr. Megrahi im Gefängnis mit etwas erpresst, das mit dem eigentlichen PanAm 103 Attentat direkt nichts zu tun hatte und noch unbekannt ist, wurde er unter Drogen gesetzt, oder wurde er belogen?
    Wenn Mr. Megrahi aus freiem Willen sein Appeal zurückgezogen hätte, würde er heute nicht mit allen Mitteln seine Unschuld und sein Name klären wollen!

    Was für eine fragwürdige Rolle spielte Solicitor Tony Kelly als "Rechtsbeschützer" in dieser merkwürdigen Angelegenheit? Wieso haben die Lord Advocates ohne Einspruch innert Rekordzeit diesem fragwürdigen Geschäft zu Lasten Megrahi's und Libya's, ohne Rücksprache und Belehrung Megrahi's zugestimmt ?

    More information on our website: http:www.lockerbie.ch

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland

  3. Dear "Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland"

    I appreciate your input and observations. But could you possibly reduce the copy-and-pasting, repeated again and again?
