Thursday 27 August 2009

SNP says support holding firm after "tough decision"

Support for the SNP remains strong despite opposition attacks over the last week according to a YouGov poll for the Daily Mail.

The poll of 1078 Scottish adults between the 24th and 26th August shows that

*More people support Alex Salmond as the best Scottish First Minister than support three opposition party leaders - combined!

*Support for Alex Salmond as First Minister was 32%, nearly 3 times higher than that for Ian Gray [Labour] and Annabel Goldie [Conservative] and over 5 times higher than Tavish Scott [Liberal Democrat] at 6%.

*A majority of Liberal Democrats - 57% - think releasing Abdelbasset al-Megrahi was the right decision, as do well over a third of Labour voters (39%).

*Two thirds of those questioned support Kenny MacAskill remaining as Justice Minister regardless of their view of the decision.

*More people support the SNP in the Scottish constituency vote than any other party.

*Support for the SNP at a Westminster election is 7 points higher than the 2005 result.

Commenting on the results SNP Depute Leader and Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP said:

"The Justice Secretary made a brave and difficult decision, and this poll illustrates the underlying strength of the SNP and Scottish Government in these circumstances. The First Minister's ratings are three times higher than those of the Labour or Tory leaders in Scotland, and there is strong support for the Justice Secretary. The SNP maintains a Holyrood constituency poll lead, and our support is 7 points up on the last General Election.

"The Justice Secretary had to make a decision about Mr Al Megrahi. He had the courage to make the right decision for the right reasons, which attracts very substantial support in this poll. It will gather further support on that basis, because people recognise that Mr MacAskill upheld the due process of Scots Law in difficult circumstances. The poll also indicates how ill-judged it was for the other parties to politicise the issue, with, for example, a majority of Lib Dem voters in support of the Justice Secretary's decision."

[From a press release issued by the Scottish National Party.]

1 comment:


    The Lockerbie-conspiracy against Libya is not closed! The official Libyan, Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, has the right that its name will be cleaned. The new defence evidence shows that Mr. Megrahi and Libya, with the Lockerbie-tragedy, do not have anything to do!

    In expectation: Libyan leader's call for a United Nations Inquiry about the Lockerbie-conspiracy against Libya.

    MEBO reproach: Some of the Scottish Officials are the true criminals in the Lockerbie Affair: Ex forensic scientist Dr Thomas Hayes (RARDE) UK, Ex forensic expert Allen Feraday (RARDE) UK and three known persons of the Scottish police are responsible for manipulating evidence in the Lockerbie Affair and are still protected by the Scottish Justice ! (They are not involved in the PanAm 103 bombing, but responsible for the conspiracy against Libya).

    All defence evidence explained on URL:

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Switzerland
