Saturday 15 August 2009

Lockerbie bombing: victim's father to sue

The leading campaigner for justice over the Lockerbie tragedy, Dr Jim Swire, is planning a ground-beaking legal action more than 20 years after the terrorist attack that claimed 270 lives.

Dr Swire, whose daughter Flora, 24, died in the attack, is preparing to sue the Scottish prosecution service because he is convinced it deliberately blocked attempts to bring his daughter's "real" killers to court.

He is planning the action under human rights legislation just three days after it was disclosed that the only man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing is likely to be released later this month. (...)

Dr Swire, 73, a spokesman for the relatives of the victims, is convinced that Megrahi was wrongly convicted. (...)

Dr Swire has told of his determination to bring his daughter's killers to justice in a letter sent to Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, in which he is critical of the Crown Office, which is responsible for criminal prosecutions in Scotland.

In the letter, he highlights the fact that evidence from a Heathrow security guard was suppressed for more than 12 years and did not figure at Megrahi's trial in 2000 and 2001.

The guard revealed that Pan Am's baggage area at Heathrow was broken into 17 hours before Flight 103 took off from the airport for New York.

Dr Swire believes that this was probably when the bomb was planted, not much earlier on a flight from Malta.

In his letter, sent on Aug 10, Dr Swire says that he is now "reluctantly" looking at two projects:

- "To take action against the Crown Office under Human Rights legislation, since I now believe that the Crown Office has deliberately obstructed my rights to know who killed my daughter and why she was not protected, and continues to do so," and

- "To seek annulment of the findings of the Lockerbie Fatal Accident Inquiry [of 1990] on grounds of withholding of evidence about Heathrow, and then to seek a new FAI or legitimate equivalent in its place." (...)

In 2003, Ahmed Own, Libya's ambassador to the United Nations, submitted a letter to the Security Council in which Libya accepted "responsibility for the actions of its officials" regarding the bombing.

Yet the following year, Sukri Ghanem, the Libyan Prime Minister, insisted the compensation payment was the "price of peace" with the West and was simply designed to remove sanctions

Lawyers for Megrahi had launched a second appeal over his conviction – the first was unsuccessful – but it was revealed on Friday that the convicted killer has now applied to abandon this action.

His supporters are optimistic he will be freed within days because of his serious illness. The Crown Office insists the conviction is safe and that no decision on his release has yet been taken by the Scottish Justice Secretary.

[From an article in The Sunday Telegraph by Andrew Alderson, Chief Reporter.]


  1. Professor Black,
    Do you think there could be any leverage in a Europarl petition?


    Eine neue Lockerbie-Affäre bahnt sich an, die absehbare grosse Chance bei Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi's Appeal, "for clear his name", soll mit Hilfe von einer fragwürdigen Verteidigung vorsätzlich beendet werden!
    In 2007, after a four-year study, the Scottish Criminal Case Reappeal Commission granted Megrahi his request for appeal and indicated the Libyan might have been wrongfully convicted (presumable a miscarriage of justice in 6 points).

    Dank 100% überzeugenden Entlastungsbeweisen des laufenden Appeal's wäre eine Revision des Urteils zu Gunsten Megrahi's in kurzer Zeit, als 'nicht schuldig' absehbar!

    Heute kann abgeleitet werden, dass die offensichtlichen Verzögerungen am Appeal Court in Edinburgh, vorsätzliche Hintergründe hatte!
    Aus absehbaren "schlechten Karten" für die Anklage sind wir davon überzeugt, dass man absichtliche Verzögerungen eingebaut hatte, bis Mr. Megrahi's Prostata Krebs Krankheit einen psychisch und physischen Zustand erreichte, damit er unter Beeinflussung fällig war, sein Appeal zurückzuziehen um bei seiner Familie in Libya übersiedeln zu können! (Austausch Vertrag UK-Libya)

    Am 18. August '09 soll sein Rechtsanwalt Mr. Toni Kelly am High Court in Edinburgh den Appeal-Rückzug seines Klienten einleiten!

    Man kann dem Defense Team nur raten, einen "Sicherheits-Rückzug" (Fortfahrung des laufenden Appeals) einzubauen, um den Status Q wieder herstellen zu können, sollte das US State Department bei der Scottish Justiciary es rechtlich schaffen, dass Mr. Megrahi nicht vor einer Revision seines rechtsgültigen Urteils, zu seinen Gunsten erfolgt. (like a misscarriage of Justice)

    Leider zu Ungunsten für Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, haben wir die Information, dass durch verbriefte Abmachungen zwischen USA und UK, im PanAm 103 Fall, das US Department of State, jederzeit juristisch in den Ablauf eingreifen und bestimmen kann!

    Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass nach den Aktionen wie 'Keep Lockerbie Bomber Locked Up', von US Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton (not release the Lockerbie bomber from Scottish prison) dem Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, bezugsweise dem Scottish Parliament die Hände gebunden sind und die geplante "Übung" beendet ist!

    Somit kann leider erwartet werden, dass Mr.Megrahi, weiterhin in Scotland inhaftiert bleibt und hoffentlich sein Defense Team die nötigen Schritte für eine Fortführung des laufenden Appeals beim Gericht abgesichert hat!
    Sollte die Scottish Justice endlich einen "Schnellgang einlegen", ist es möglich, dass Mr. Megrahi sein Namen noch rechtzeitig säubern kann und als 'Märtyrer der Wahrheit' zu seiner Familie nach Libyen übersiedeln kann...

    By the way, some of the Scottish Officials are the true criminals in the Lockerbie Affair: Ex forensic scientist Dr. Thomas Hayes (RARDE), Ex forensic expert Allen Feraday (RARDE) UK, and three persons known, of the Scottish police are protected but responsible for counterfeiting and manipulation of evidences in the Lockerbie-Affair!
    (Not involved at the PanAm 103 assassination attempt, only responsible for the conspiracy against Libya)

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland
    in english language soon...

  3. Permit me, Ruth, as an inveterate petition organiser (eg to answer that one with several questions of my own:

    a. what is the wording of the petition?

    b. who is the petition organiser?

    c. who is going to sign it? and,

    d. what power to influence matters has the European Parliament actually got?

    The answer, I fear, is zero leverage for a Europarl petition!

  4. Depending on the circumstances, the Committee on Petitions may:

    * ask the European Commission to conduct a preliminary investigation and provide information regarding compliance with relevant Community legislation or contact SOLVIT,
    * refer the petition to other European Parliament committees for information or further action (a committee might, for example, take account of a petition in its legislative activities),
    * in some exceptional cases prepare and submit a full report to Parliament to be voted upon in plenary ; or conduct a fact-finding visit to the country or region concerned and issue a Committee report containing its observations and recommendations;
    * or take any other action considered appropriate to try to resolve an issue or deliver a suitable response to the petitioner.


    Bereits heute muss man sich fragen:
    Hat sich Mr. Al Megrahi's Verteidigung unter Solicitor, Tony Kelly, durch Unfähigkeit in eine Sackgasse verspekuliert und die aussichtsvolle Zukunft einer Revision des rechtsgültigen Urteils zu Gunsten Al Megrahi's, verspielt?
    Oder kann es sein, dass es eine unmoralische Absprache zwischen Solicitor Kelly und Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill gibt mit der Absicht, die gemachten kriminellen Beweismanipulationen einiger Scottish Officials zu vereiteln?

    Alles mit fatalen Folgen zu Lasten Mr. Megrahi's und Libya's?
    Die Bedenken könnten sich in den nächsten Tagen als Tatsache erweisen...

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland
    In English language in work...
