Wednesday 19 August 2009

Don't dishonour Lockerbie victims

If Abdelbaset al-Megrahi is released from prison, it will be an insult to my brother and all who died in the Lockerbie bombing

Imagine if one of the September 11 hijackers had lived, that he was fairly tried, convicted and sentenced to a lengthy jail term. Then, after just a few years, under an agreement with the Afghan government, we sent him back to serve out his term with the Taliban under Osama bin Laden.

Although it seems almost impossible, a painfully similar scenario is playing out in the Scotland. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi – the terrorist convicted in the Lockerbie bombing – may soon be released by the Scottish government and handed over to Libya, the very government that plotted this cowardly mass murder.

The evidence against Megrahi is overwhelming and has withstood more than two fervent appeals. He was a member of Libyan intelligence travelling under a false passport to Malta on the day of the bombing, and lied about it more than once. Any rational person reviewing the evidence would conclude that Megrahi is guilty. Even more damning, the court's conviction clearly stated that Megrahi committed the murder for "furtherance of Libyan intelligence". There has been no regime change or democratic revolution. And yet the Scottish government is eager to return this murderer to his dictator – Muammar Gaddafi – a man who has gone on the record as hating all things western.

The Pan Am bombing was the largest single terrorist attack against the United States or the United Kingdom prior to September 11. Megrahi has served less than one month in prison for each person he killed. After all the years of fighting terrorism on their own soil, you would think that the UK wouldn't be so quick to send a terrorist back into the loving arms of the people who masterminded the deaths of so many innocents.

Fine, send him back, but make sure he's in a pine box before you do so.

There are rumours that Megrahi is dying of prostate cancer, and that the basis of the most recent appeal is one of mercy. I have never heard of a prisoner arranging a lesser sentence due to cancer, nor do I care if he dies in his cell. Where was the mercy when Megrahi killed 270 people? Didn't those victims deserve a life long enough to contract cancer?

There are also rumours that he may be innocent, but I fear those rumours are driven by a psychological hysteria brought on by grief. Some family members thought they would feel better once a man was convicted, but their emptiness remained so they created conspiracy theories and rumours. It gave them another rabbit to chase, and I feel sorry for them. However, the evidence is clear and overwhelming. And, this week, even Megrahi himself abandoned the appeal. If he is really innocent and actually going to die soon, why would he not want to clear his name?

But here is the worst part: I fear we will have dishonoured the victims if we let him walk away. I think of the children in Lockerbie, brimming with excitement four days before Christmas. How could the Scottish government send their murderer home to "die in peace"? What peace was there that chilly night in December more than 20 years ago? And, how will we all feel when Megrahi is given a hero's welcome back in Libya?

People of Scotland: he attacked your home, your children, your way of life. Please don't let them dishonour your country in this way.

[The above is the text of an opinion piece in The Guardian by Brian Flynn, the brother of one of the US victims of the destruction of Pan Am 103.

I make no comment, other than to say, as I have done before, that it is absolutely incorrect to say that the evidence against Megrahi "has withstood more than two fervent appeals". There has to date been only one appeal and that appeal did not consider the sufficiency of the evidence against Megrahi or whether any reasonable court could have convicted him on the basis of it.

The appeal judges in that one appeal stated in paragraph 369 of their Opinion:

“When opening the case for the appellant before this court Mr Taylor [senior counsel for Megrahi] stated that the appeal was not about sufficiency of evidence: he accepted that there was a sufficiency of evidence. He also stated that he was not seeking to found on section 106(3)(b) of the 1995 Act [verdict unreasonable on the evidence]. His position was that the trial court had misdirected itself in various respects. Accordingly in this appeal we have not required to consider whether the evidence before the trial court, apart from the evidence which it rejected, was sufficient as a matter of law to entitle it to convict the appellant on the basis set out in its judgment. We have not had to consider whether the verdict of guilty was one which no reasonable trial court, properly directing itself, could have returned in the light of that evidence.”

The true position, as I have written elsewhere, is this:

"As far as the outcome of the appeal is concerned, some commentators have confidently opined that, in dismissing Megrahi’s appeal, the Appeal Court endorsed the findings of the trial court. This is not so. The Appeal Court repeatedly stresses that it is not its function to approve or disapprove of the trial court’s findings-in-fact, given that it was not contended on behalf of the appellant that there was insufficient evidence to warrant them or that no reasonable court could have made them. These findings-in-fact accordingly continue, as before the appeal, to have the authority only of the court which, and the three judges who, made them."]


  1. I wrote on this site earlier this morning that the rumours would start to the effect that al-Megrahi dropped his appeal because he knows new evidience would reinforce and further prove his guilt. Brian Flynn's rant inlcudes the line:"And, this week, even Megrahi himself abandoned the appeal. If he is really innocent and actually going to die soon, why would he not want to clear his name?"

  2. The sad thing is that Brian Flynn's own country probably had a hand in the bombing.


    All proofs against Mr. Al Megrahi and Libya were manipulated or falsified of well-known Scottish Officials!
    All new proofs are exonerations evidences for the defense, which shows that Mr. Megrahi and Libya nothing have to do with the Lockerbie Tragedy!

    Please you can be convinced, visit:

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., MEBO Ltd, Switzerland

  4. In response to Brian Flynn's later post, I commented on The Guardian website:

    Permit me to refute each piece of Brian Flynn's 'overwhelming evidence':
    • Libya had the motivation to carry out the attack due to the US raid on Tripoli in 1986.
    Libya's retaliation was carried out in September 1986 on Pan Am Flight 73 at Karachi, Pakistan (see
    • In September 1989 Libyan agents bombed a French flight over Africa.
    Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi says that the six Libyans convicted 'in absentia' by a Paris court in 1999 are innocent of the bombing of UTA Flight 772 (see
    • Libyan officials received 20 sophisticated timers from MEBO. A fragment of one was among debris found at Lockerbie.
    Erwin Meister and Edwin Bollier testified that that Mebo had supplied timers to Libya. But Bollier disputed that the fragment identified by the FBI's Tom Thurman and RARDE's Alan Feraday had come from those particular timers.
    • Libyan officials were trying to get additional timers in December 1988 and only cancelled their order when they said they had what they needed.
    This 'evidence' is self-contradictory.
    • Megrahi was a member of the Libyan Intelligence Service.
    Only if you believe the testimony of discredited witness, Abdul Giaka, who was a paid informer of the CIA.
    • Megrahi traveled to Malta on December 7, 1988 and purchased clothing and other items from a shop which ended up at Lockerbie.
    Dr Hans Koechler, UN Observer at the trial, says:"there is no reasonable basis in the trial court's judgment for its conclusion that the purchase of the items (clothes that were found in the wreckage of the plane) from Mary's House (in Malta) took place on 7 December 1988" (see
    • The Fhimah diary documented that he had accomplished the task of obtaining taggs from Air Malta in mid December 1988.
    Fhimah was found 'not guilty'.
    • Fhimahs airside access badge, good until December 31, 1988 was found in a desk which he used after that date indicating he had it in December 1988.
    Fhimah was found 'not guilty'.
    • Fhimah and Megrahi traveled from Tripoli to Malta together on the evening of December 20, 1988.
    Fhimah was found 'not guilty'.
    • Megrahi traveled with Fhimah on his false Abdusamad passport and stayed in Malta less than 24 hours.
    Fhimah was found 'not guilty'.
    • Megrahi had a connection to the Swiss company, MEBO, which made the timer.
    But what if the timer fragment was planted in both cases - Pan Am Flight 103 and UTA Flight 772 (see French investigator Pierre Péan
    • The Libyan leader claimed in February 2001, he would let the world know the truth about Lockerbie in a few days time and that has never happened.
    Muammar Gaddafi still has time to let us know the truth.
    • Libya accepted responsibility for the actions of its agents.
    Libya's former prime minister, Shukri Ghanem, told the BBC in February 2004 that his country played no part in the Lockerbie bombing and only paid $10 million compensation to each of the relatives to 'buy peace' (see

    Incidentally, I am a fully paid up 'conspiracy theorist', believing as I do that apartheid South Africa was responsible for the Lockerbie bombing (see

    Commissioner Carlsson aka Patrick Haseldine
