Wednesday 3 June 2009

Libya's UN circus

This is the headline over an article by columnist Ian Williams on The Guardian's website. The article is critical of the likely forthcoming election of Libya to the 2009-2010 presidency of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Here are a few sentences:

'Interestingly, since Gaddafi paid blood money for Lockerbie, helped shop the IRA, renounced nuclear weapons, quietened down about Israel, and opened up the oil wells even more to western involvement, Washington and London seem to have overcome the visceral horror that once had them fighting to keep Libya off the security council. It is arguable that Libya got a raw deal over the Lockerbie bombing, albeit not as raw as its citizen Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi who is dying of cancer in a Scottish prison while his appeal against a 27-year sentence is heard. The case against him and Libya was circumstantial and politically motivated.

'London and Washington may have been attacking Libya for the wrong reasons in the past – but there were plenty of substantial reasons for holding the regime up for scrutiny and despite its more accommodating foreign policy, little has changed inside the country.'


  1. Former Lord Advocate Lord Fraser UK; Detective Constable of Strathclyde Police Thomas Gilchrist UK; Ex forensic scientist Dr. Thomas Hayes (RARDE), Ex forensic expert Allen Feraday (RARDE) UK; Detective Chief Superintendent Stuart Henderson UK; ex FBI laboratory official Tom Thurman USA; former FBI Spezial Agent and Task Force Chief Richard Marquise USA, and others should all be ashamed for their criminal and parasitic cover up of the Lockerbie tragedy.

    After having analysed the documentary "Lockerbie revisited" by Gideon Levy and backed by my own investigations MEBO is convinced that the "Lockerbie conspiracy" to the damage of Libya and Abdelbaset al Megrahi was executed with tampered evidence under the Scottish flag by seven officials ! This could also be the reason for the long procrastination of the whole case in the hope that the criminal dealings of the seven officials fall under the status of limitations.

    All the same the biggest fraud in the history of Scotland must be cleared up under all circumstances by a new investigation for the benefit of the bereaved of the 270 victims, the Libyan people and Mr. Abdelbaset al Megrahi.

    Please watch now the full documentary film "Lockerbie revisited" by Regisseur Gideon Levy, shown to Scottish members of Parliament about important facts concerning the conspiracy against Libya.

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland

  2. Leader of Libya and Chairman of the African Union (AU) Muammar al-Gadhafi seeks to change image on world stage.

    Among other things:
    for this vision Libya and all other "victims" wait for years for a clear result in a revised judgement of the Scottish Appeal Justice, in the case of Lockerbie. Helping him, in the change of the untrue background image, of the 'Lockerbie-Tragedy'. Libya and his Official have nothing to do with the PanAm 103 attack.

    by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd., Switzerland

  3. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, how much longer more? They do not make an honour for your homeland Scotland...

  4. This was a very interesting and well-argued article.

    Its author notes that while Libya's internal repression of dissent remains brutal its external behaviour has been radically modified.

    In discussing Lockerbie it is important to be realistic about the nature of Libyan regime. You will not find me writing about restoring Colonel Gaddafi's honour and dignity.

    The author of the Guardian article believes Libya may have got a raw deal over Lockerbie. The object of the indictment of the two Libyans was not a trial but sanctions against Libya with the object of regime change and to restrain and punish Libya for the regime's support of liberation/terrorist groups notably the IRA.

    Lbya was blamed for Lockerbie for intelligible reasons largely but not wholly unrelated to the bombing itself. The creation of the "Libyan solution" had considerable merit and it should be recognised that as a policy was remarkably successful in its objectives.
