Monday 13 April 2009

The lull before the storm

Over the Easter period, I have been on duty at Gannaga Lodge, where there is no internet or cell phone connection (one of the place’s great attractions for most of our guests). But as far as I can discern from an internet trawl, there has been no public activity on the Lockerbie front. The lull before the storm, perhaps? The first substantive session of Abdelbaset Megrahi’s appeal starts on Tuesday, 28 April.

Tomorrow I am off on a four or five day trip to Namibia. I shall try to keep up to date on developments whenever I have access to the internet, though internet cafes are not thick on the ground there.


  1. I suspect it's the lull before he's sent back to Libya and when it's announced there'll be some hot news in the media to cover it up. Maybe a huge 'terrorist plot' in Scotland? Maybe a real terrorist bomb. Anything to take people's minds off the fact there is overwhelming evidence that the UK government, three judges, the prosecution and probably Megrhi's defence conspired to pervert the course of justice and send an innocent man to prison and severely damaged his family

  2. You are right, Ruth, to be suspicious about (British and Scottish) governmental motives, which might include burying Mr Megrahi's repatriation in some sort of terrorist outrage!

    However, as an inveterate "conspiracy theorist" (who is convinced that it was apartheid South Africa whot did it), I cannot believe that UK Government ministers could be engaged in such cynical news mongering.

    Surely, the second appeal starting on 27 April 2009 (even if it takes a year or longer), will result in the overturning of Mr Megrahi's wrongful conviction for the Lockerbie bombing. Thus, he will finally be a free man, and can justifiably claim compensation from the US and Britain.

    And Libya will be entitled to a refund of all the compensation ($2.16bn + $1.5bn = $3.66bn) that the UN Security Council forced it to pay out (as it happens, unnecessarily).

    Neither Britain nor the United States would want an innocent man to spend any more time in a Scottish jail than he needs to, would they?

    Thus, we can confidently expect the result of Mr Megrahi's second appeal to be published quite soon. By my reckoning, he is likely to be freed and be back in Libya in the course of the coming year.

    Here's to a healthy and happy one!

  3. Represented by Swiss attorney Charles Poncet Geneva, those are the Libyan compensation of tariffs, as example:

    Libya is ratcheting up its diplomatic quarrel with Switzerland over the arrest last July of one of the sons of Libyan leader, Muammar Gadhafi. Libya is suing the Geneva authorities for more than $400,000 incl. costs, for false arrest.(only for 2 days)!
    The calculation up today:
    For 2 days false arrest for one person US$ 44'000.00
    For 10 years (3650 days) false arrest (for one person
    1 day = US$ 22'000.00)
    Total US$ 80'300'000.00, plus costs.

    Edwin Bollier



    Bei einem Meeting im Juni 1989 mit der Schweizerischen Bundespolizei Swiss Federal (BUPO) Police in Bern wurde einem schottischen Beamten ein Stück viereckiges Stoffgewebe desselben blauen baby-overalls ausgehändigt, den Bollier dem "Car-Driver" Mr. Ali nach Tripoli/Libyen überbracht hatte. Diesen Baby-overall hatte Bollier in Zürich (Jelmoli) gekauft. Zusätzlich wurde dem schottischen Polizeibeamten eine Kopie des Flugtickets von Bollier, Tripoli nach Malta/Luqa Airport, vom 20. Dezember 1988 und ein MST-13 Timer PC-Board von Eng. Lumpert ausgehändigt.

    Aus dem Gerichts Protokoll in Kamp van Zeist, Day 53, ist ersichtlich, dass ein unbekannter Offizier (vermutlich Detective Superintendent Jim Gilchrist, Scottish Police) bereits im July 1989 in Malta polizeiliche Untersuchungen vorgenommen hatte, die u.a. einen blauen baby-overall betrafen.

    Excerpts (Kamp van Zeist)
    Day 53
    September 29, 2000
    --- Proceedings commenced at 9.45 a.m.
    THE CLERK: Call the diet, Her Majesty's
    Advocate against Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi and
    Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah.Take your seat, gentlemen, please.
    LORD SUTHERLAND: Advocate Depute.
    MR. CAMPBELL: My Lords, I now move to recall number 344, Henry Woods Bell.
    THE MACER: Number 344 on the Crown list,
    My Lord, Henry Woods Bell.
    LORD SUTHERLAND: Mr. Bell, you are still
    under oath. Do you understand?
    A Yes, My Lord.
    LORD SUTHERLAND: Advocate Depute.
    Q Mr. Bell, I think you told us on the
    previous occasion when you gave evidence that you are
    now a Detective Chief Superintendent in the Scottish
    Criminal Records Office in Glasgow?
    A That's correct, sir. Yes.
    Q And were you involved in the
    investigation into the destruction of Pan Am 103?
    Q And what rank did you hold at that time?
    A I was Detective Chief Inspector at that
    Q Did the investigation extend to Malta in 1989?
    A That's correct.

    Q And was contact made with the police
    authorities in Malta in the course of 1989?
    A Yes, that's correct.
    Q As a result of that, on the 11th of September 1989, did you yourself attend at a meeting in
    A I did. Yes.
    Q Who was present at that meeting?
    A The deputy prime minister of Malta, Mr. de Marco, the police commissioner.
    Q What was his name?
    A Mr. Calleja.
    The deputy police commissioner, and I can't recall his name at this time; the assistant police
    commissioner, now police commissioner, George Grech;
    Inspector Godfrey Scicluna, who is now a superintendent; Inspector Alphonse Gauci. And there
    was two other inspectors, I believe, along with other
    officers from abroad. These were -- Were there officers from other countries present?
    A That's correct. Yes.
    Q From which countries?
    A There was two officers from the FBI, America; two officers from the BKA, Germany; and a number of officers from Lockerbie Inquiry Team.
    Q What was the purpose of this meeting?
    A The purpose of the meeting was to brief the Maltese authorities and to seek permission and authority to make inquiry in Malta regarding the air disaster.
    A There had been a previous inquiry the month before, or in July of that year, by another
    officer, in relation to the recovery of a Babygrow which
    could be related back to the island of Malta.
    Dieser Besuch und auch die Besuche von Officer Henry Woods Bell, die vor dem 11. September 1989 von den schottischen oder UK Untersuchungsbeamten in Malta stattfanden (in Zusammenhang mit dem blauen Baby-Overall) waren nicht über die notwendige internationale Rechtshilfe erfolgt und waren somit illegal. Auch gegenüber anderen beteiligten Untersuchungsorganen, wie dem FBI und dem BKA waren sie nicht korrekt. Auch wenn nachträglich die Legalisierung durch den Deputy Prime Minister von Malta, Mr. de Marco, erfolgte.

    Desgleichen war das offizielle Rechtshilfebegehren des Lord Advocats von Scotland an die Schweiz, das mit einer Note vom 19. September 1990 beantragt wurde, erst am 30. Oktober 1990 vom Schweizerischen Bundesamt für Polizeiwesen (BAP) genehmigt worden. Somit waren die Aushändigung von angeblichem Beweismaterial durch die BUPO im Juni 1989 ebenfalls illegal, genauer gesagt "geheimdienstlich"!

    Der blaue Baby-Overall war allerdings gar nicht in Malta fabriziert und gekauft worden, denn beim Besuch von Anthony Gauci's "Mary's House" konnte kein solcher Baby-Overall gefunden werden. Man ist dann auf einen von 5 blauen Babygrows ausgewichen, der in Malta fabriziert und/oder vertrieben wurde.

    Weshalb reiste der unbekannte Offizier wegen eines Baby-Overalls, der nicht aus Malta stammte, ausgerechnet nach Malta?
    Es muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass der Besuch des unbekannten schottischen Polizeoffiziers bei Tony Gauci im Juli 1989 dazu diente, mit Hilfe eines blauen baby overalls eine Spur nach Malta zu legen und evtl. auch dazu, Bollier's und MEBO's Geschäftsbeziehungen nach Libyen in einen Zusammenhang mit dem Attentat zu rücken. (Via einen blauen baby-overall, den MST-13 timer, den Lumpert ausgehändigt hatte, und das Flugticket vom 20.12.1988) NB: Dieser Flug wurde von Bollier nicht benutzt!

    Später, ab dem 11. September 1989, wurden die illegalen Ermittlungen der schottischer Beamten in die nun offiziell erteilte Malta Rechtshilfe integriert!

    Diese Sequenz zeigt einmal mehr, dass die ganze "Malta-Storry" von A-Z aufgrund von getürkten geheimdienstlichen "Erkenntnissen" fabriziert wurde!

    by Edwin Bollier
    MEBO Ltd. Zurich, Switzerland

  5. VERY IMPORTANT in english language:

    at a meeting in June 1989 with Swiss Federal Police(BUPO) in Bern a piece of rectangle tissue was handed over to a Scottish Officer of the same blue baby-overall that Bollier had given to the "Car-Driver" Mr. Ali at Tripoli/Libya. Bollier had bought this baby-overall in Zurich (Jelmoli). Additionally handed over to the same Scottish officer: a copie of Bollier's ticket from Tripoli to Malta/Luqa Airport at the 20th of December 1988 and a brown MST-13 timer PC-board from Eng. Lumpert. Bollier had not used the ticket because he managed to get a direct flight to Zurich on the same day.

    From the courts protocol in Kamp van Zeist, day 53, one can see that a unknown officer (presumably Detective Superintendent Jim Gilchrist, Scottish Police) had already in July 1989 started police investigations in Malta concerning i.a. a blue baby-overall.

    Excerpts (Kamp van Zeist) Day 53
    September 29, 2000
    --- Proceedings commenced at 9.45 a.m.
    THE CLERK: Call the diet, Her Majesty's Advocate against Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi and
    Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah.Take your seat, gentlemen, please.
    LORD SUTHERLAND: Advocate Depute.
    MR. CAMPBELL: My Lords, I now move to recall number 344, Henry Woods Bell.
    THE MACER: Number 344 on the Crown list,
    My Lord, Henry Woods Bell.
    LORD SUTHERLAND: Mr. Bell, you are still under oath. Do you understand?
    A Yes, My Lord.
    LORD SUTHERLAND: Advocate Depute.
    Q Mr. Bell, I think you told us on the previous occasion when you gave evidence that you are
    now a Detective Chief Superintendent in the Scottish
    Criminal Records Office in Glasgow?
    A That's correct, sir. Yes.
    Q And were you involved in the
    investigation into the destruction of Pan Am 103?
    Q And what rank did you hold at that time?
    A I was Detective Chief Inspector at that time.
    Q Did the investigation extend to Malta in 1989?
    A That's correct.

    Q And was contact made with the police authorities in Malta in the course of 1989?
    A Yes, that's correct.
    Q As a result of that, on the 11th of September 1989, did you yourself attend at a meeting in
    A I did. Yes.
    Q Who was present at that meeting?
    A The deputy prime minister of Malta, Mr. de Marco, the police commissioner.
    Q What was his name?
    A Mr. Calleja.
    The deputy police commissioner, and I can't recall his name at this time; the assistant police
    commissioner, now police commissioner, George Grech;
    Inspector Godfrey Scicluna, who is now a superintendent; Inspector Alphonse Gauci. And there
    was two other inspectors, I believe, along with other
    officers from abroad. These were -- Were there officers from other countries present?
    A That's correct. Yes.
    Q From which countries?
    A There was two officers from the FBI, America; two officers from the BKA, Germany; and a number of officers from Lockerbie Inquiry Team.
    Q What was the purpose of this meeting?
    A The purpose of the meeting was to brief the Maltese authorities and to seek permission and authority to make inquiry in Malta regarding the air disaster.
    A There had been a previous inquiry the *month before, or in July of that year, by another
    officer, in relation to the recovery of a Babygrow which
    could be related back to the island of Malta.

    This *visit in July as the visit of officer Henry Woods Bell before the 11th of September 1989 by Scottish or UK investigators in Malta (concerning the blue baby-overall) were not authorized by international legal assistance and were therefore illegal. It was also not fair opposite to other investigation teams, from the FBI or the BKA Germany for example. Also if they have been approved later by Maltese Deputy Prime Minister Mr. de Marco.

    The same thing with the handing over of evidence to the Scottish Police in June 1989 in Bern. The Scottish demand for international legal assistance (19th of September 1990) was granted officially on the 30th of October 1990 by the Swiss Police Administration. The handing over of evidence was illegal, in other words: intelligence style !

    The blue baby-overall had not been fabricated in Malta and at a visit at Tony Gauci's "Mary House" none such baby-overall was found. But 5 other blue babygrows instead were taken which had been fabricated and sold in Malta .

    Why did an unknown offizier because of a baby-overall not originating from Malta travel of all things to Malta?

    To create a link from allegedly found evidence in Lockerbie to Malta?

    Eventually also to connect Bollier's und MEBO's business relations with Libya to the bombing of PanAm 103? With fabricated evidence of a blue baby-overall, a brown MST-13 timer handed over by Eng. Lumpert (unfortunately not the same green one's Bollier had delivered to Libya and a flight ticket from the 20th of December Bollier fortunately had not used (although urged to use it). Imagine he would have used it ! Megrahi and Bollier would have sitten on the dock.

    Later from the 11th of September 1989 on the illegal "investigations" of the Scottish officials were integrated into the international legal assistance granted by Malta !

    This sequence shows clearly that the whole Malta story is an invention and was fabricated with falsified intelligence "evidence" !

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd, Switzerland
