Monday 2 March 2009

Lockerbie Suitcase Bomb: Scientific Implausibility

This is the title of a scientific paper by Dr Ludwig de Braeckeleer and others which claims to establish that Pan Am 103 could not have been destroyed in the manner claimed by the Crown at the original trial. The paper, with all supporting references, can be read here.

My ignorance of matters technical and scientific is such that any opinion expressed by me on Dr De Braeckeleer's thesis would be worthless. But it is without doubt a serious contribution to knowledge regarding the Lockerbie tragedy.

1 comment:

  1. Having studied the Open University Science Foundation Course in 1971 (the OU's starting year) as part of my BA (OU) degree, and having been an avid reader of 'New Scientist' magazine for more years than I care to remember, I cannot simply subscribe to Prof. Black's "ignorance of matters technical and scientific ...... that any opinion expressed by me on Dr De Braeckeleer's thesis would be worthless."

    What I can say however is that, employing all the knowledge derived from my scientific background, I am able to state without fear of contradiction "that Pan Am 103 could not have been destroyed in the manner claimed by the Crown at the original trial."
