Friday, 7 November 2008

Scottish "heavies" on the bail hearing

There is good coverage in both The Herald and The Scotsman of yesterday's interim liberation hearing. Lucy Adams's article in The Herald is entitled "Lockerbie bomber bail ruling deferred" and contains a useful synopsis of the arguments advanced by both the appellant and the Crown.

John Robertson's article in The Scotsman is headlined "'Compelling' case to free dying Megrahi but Crown insists he must remain behind bars" and predicts that the judges will announce their decision in days rather than weeks.

1 comment:

  1. The Lockerbie Prophecy

    The second appeal judgement in the "Lockerbie Affair" will reveal the scandalous fraud against Libya: a clear and deliberate miscarriage of justice!

    That’s why the Crown and the appeal judges are delaying and protracting the date of their final decision ! Their only concern is how to back out of the affair and save the respectability of the Scottisch Legal System.

    But their tactics to cover up the truth about the conspiracy against Libya will be in vain!
