Thursday 2 October 2008

Rewards for Justice

The aangirfan blog has a post on the denial in The Conspiracy Files: Lockerbie television programme that witnesses were offered rewards for their information and/or testimony. As has been demonstrated elsewhere too, this is false. The relevant portion of the post is paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.


  1. Can we trust the CIA?

    Below, is an extract from a training manual used by Vincent Cannistraro between 1984 and 1986, while he was Task Force Officer in America's covert Iran-Contra campaign in Nicaragua. Two years later, Cannistraro was put in charge of the CIA's Lockerbie investigation team.

    I believe that a man who has trained assassins and guerillas in the murder of fleeing citizens is capable of pretty much anything. Evidence manufacture would be but a minor matter.

    Source: CIA Manual: Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare

    Guerrilla Weapons are the Strength of the People over an Illegal Government

    The armed propaganda in populated areas does not give the impression that weapons are the power of the guerrillas over the people, but rather that the weapons are the strength of the people against a regime of repression.

    Whenever it is necessary to use armed force in an occupation or visit to a town or village, guerrillas should emphasize making sure that they:

    * Explain to the population that in the first place this is being done to protect them, the people, and not themselves.

    * Admit frankly and publicly that this is an "act of the democratic guerrilla movement," with appropriate explanations.

    * That this action, although it is not desirable, is necessary because the final objective of the insurrection is a free and democratic society, where acts of force are not necessary.

    * The force of weapons is a necessity caused by the oppressive system, and will cease to exist when the "forces of justice" of our movement assume control.

    If, for example, it should be necessary for one of the advanced posts to have to fire on a citizen who was trying to leave the town or city in which the guerrillas are carrying out armed propaganda or political proselytism, the following is recommended:

    * Explain that if that citizen had managed to escape, he would have alerted the enemy that is near the town or city, and they would carry out acts of reprisal such as rapes, pillage, destruction, captures, etc., in this way terrorizing the inhabitants of the place for having given attention and hospitalities to the guerrillas of the town.

    * If a guerrilla fires at an individual, make the town see that he was an enemy of the people, and that they shot him because the guerrillas recognized as their first duty the protection of citizens.

    * The commando tried to detain the informant without firing because he, like all Christian guerrillas, espouses nonviolence. Having fired at the Sandinista informant, although it is against his own will, was necessary to prevent the repression of the Sandinista government against innocent people.

    * Make the population see that it was the repressive system of the regime that was the cause of this situation, what really killed the informer, and that the weapon fired was one recovered in combat against the Sandinista regime.

    * Make the population see that if the Sandinista regime had ended the repression, the corruption backed by foreign powers, etc., the freedom commandos would not have had to brandish arms against brother Nicaraguans, which goes against our Christian sentiments. If the informant hadn't tried to escape he would be enjoying life together with the rest of the population, because he would not have tried to inform the enemy. This death would have been avoided if justice and freedom existed in Nicaragua, which is exactly the objective of the democratic guerrilla.

  2. Which role played Ex-FBI Special Agent Richard Marquise in the "Lockerbie-Affair"?
    To the memory, part of the prehistory:
    After further interviews through FBI-Officials and officers of the Scottish Police in Zurich and after Bollier's visit in February 1991 at the FBI in Washington and at the Scottish Police in Glasgow he understood clearly: The allegedly found MST-13 timer fragment in Lockerbie was a manipulated piece of evidence with the intention to link the state of Libya with the Lockerbie-atrocity.

    In 10 Feb.1991 I (Edwin Bollier) was invited to the FBI Headquarter in Wahington and chief Task Force, Richard Marquise offered me up to 4million US$ and a new identity in the States if he would confirm in a police statement that the allegedly found MST-13 timer fragment originated from one of the 20 timers delivered to Libya between 1985 und 1986. Mr Marquise transferred a A/4 leaflet with the illustration of allegedly 4mio US dollar and a magazine to me, over "Terrorism in the United States 1989" (prod. JK/1266) and his calling card.
    Before, on 9/10 February, Mr. Marquise coworker, FBI legally Attache Robert M. Fanning, paid my hotel bill in the Swisshotel Boston, with its American Express card (prod. JK/1267).

    Now there was no more doubt for Bollier that a huge conspiracy against Libya was on the way.
    Contrary to the Libyan crown witness against Libya, Giaka, Abd al Majid, (Abdul Jiacha), - an agent in the sold of the CIA – Bollier rejected the offer. Giaka is currently living in the USA under a new identity

    I confirm ex FBI Task Force Spezial Agent in the PanAm 103 Case , Richard Marquise, that I mistook the name at the interview by Prof. Koechler and first I said that the offer was made by another name of a FBI official, but in February 1991 at the FBI headquarters in Washington,
    the discussion about the MST-13 Fragment, between him and me was only in his Office and that's why only Richard Marquise have made the offer of about US$ 4 million and a new identity for me. I made the correction by Prof. Koechler.

    An other question to Mr Marquise: Where are the missing FBI Polaroid photos of the original "Lockerbie-MST-13 timer fragment? Richard Marquise was intended 1999 as an important witness in the "Lockerbie-trail", why it did not become cited?

    Ex-FBI "Special" Agent and head of the Task Force in the "Lockerbie-Case", Richard A. Marquise, exposed himself with his own justifications! He is still defending and protecting FBI forensic expert Tomas Thurman, who was meanwhile convicted in the United States for having tampered with forensic evidence. Was he possibly the crucial perpetrator behind the conspiracy against Libya in the Lockerbie-Affair?
    The content in Marquise's doc.-book "Scotbom: Evidence and the Lockerbie Investigation" leads to this conclusion! Mr. Richard A. Marquise confirms that there is no evidence against Libya. The fragment of a MST-13 timer fragment originated from a first handfabricated prototype not delivered to Libya. Top of form 1, bottom of form 2 for example, he confirms that the PT-35 = (MST-13) timer fragment descends from the first handfabricated prototype serie of 1985! ('Scotbom', Chapter 11)

    Original excerpt, under Chapter 11:
    After Lumpert's statement, Lumpert (ex-Engeneer at MEBO Ltd) was the first witness and after examining a photograph the PT-35, (MST-13 Fragment) testified the chip had come from a circuit board for a timer he designed and built in 1985 at the request of Bollier. ----------- He had learned one week prior to the hearing that this timer might have been used in a bomb.
    He believed the chip had come from one of the first timers made. He detailed how he had designed this circuit board, nothing the slight imperfections on PT-35. Once the master board was made, the imperfections showed up on the other circuit boards from that master.

    Why has ex-FBI Special Agent Marquise suppressed this most important proof in favour of Libya at the court in Kamp van Zeist? I am convinced his role and function in the "Lockerbie-fraud" will be revealed at the appeal. Hello to the memory: The MST-13 timers supplied to Libya were not prototypes of the first serie!

    The truth at the High Court in Edinburgh will bring it shortly to the day … We require that Mr Marquise appears at the High Court in Edinburgh as a witness.
    Edwin Bollier thanks for all important documents

    Today I believe that these decisive documents which are needed for the reversal of this politically motivated miscarriage of Judgement have been passed to me on purpose. With these reports one can doubtlessly exclude the MST-13 Timer and the transfer of a bomb bag from AirMalta Flight KM-180 to PanAm 103/A in Frankfurt. Therefore the constructed chain of evidence from Malta-Frankfurt-London, as presumed in the Lockerbie trial, is absolutely untenable.
    Today we can prospect that a appeal of the Lockerbie trial with all the proved, exonerating evidence is leading to freedom for Megrahi and to the reestablishment of Libya's honour.

    Edwin Bollier, VR MEBO Ltd

  3. 1: Well done Mr.Biddulph...recent history has shown beyond any doubt, that BOTH the FBI and CIA have disgusting records in respect of re-writing Truth and Justice! Mr. Marquise's averrment regarding 'NO payments' really did provoke a tsunami of mirth and amazement that, as head of the FBI Scotbom 'team' he not only was so ill-informed, but also that he could feel able to make such a risable comment on camera!

    IN respect of payment and truth...I merely ask readers to remember that Mr. Bollier has sold MST timers and other materiel to Libyan the former Stasi and others for several decades...and he HAS confirmed 'expectations' of up to TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS REWARD on the successful release of Mr. Megrahi!

    I DO believe that Megrahi is innocent but I also believe that his release will be obtained by his Scottish Legal Team before a Scottish Court, NOT former witnesses whose credability and impartiality is seriously open to challenge.

  4. Mr. DavidBen-Arveah

    They understand it very well to mix willful purposeful opinion between a witness, proofs, true facts and success fees for a negative "fatha morgana" !

    Apology my bad English, therefore I continue to write in German:

    Dass Sie mich als unglaubwürdiger Zeuge einschätzen habe ich vermutlich dem ersten Defence Team Duff & Taylor zu verdanken. Diese Silicitors mussten von Anfang an überzeugt gewesen sein, dass meine Beweise, u.a. das manipulierte zentrale MST-13 Fragment, Libyen und Mr Abdelbaset entlasten konnte!
    Aus Konkurenzgründen, zu Lasten Libyen's und Mr. Megrahi's, durch das von Libyen offerierte Erfolgshonorar von US$ 200 millionen für die Wahrheitsfindung gegenüber dem US "Indictment", wurden gezielt meine zweifelsfreien Entlastungs-Beweise vom damaligen Defence Team unterschlagen.

    Die zukünftigen Untersuchungs Ergebnisse der Scottish Justice werden Sie hoffentlich eines anderen belehren. Leider wurden im BBC Film "The Conspiracy Files: Lockerbie" meine weiteren Erklärungen zum Erfolgshonorar entfernt und mir vom Reporter die "fiesen" Worte in den Mund gelegt: "also sie bekommen US$ 200 mio wenn Mr. Abdelbaset frei kommt"... Sicher ist damit auch seine Freiheit einkalkuliert worden, aber das Erfolgshonorar ist hauptsächlich auf das Prestige von Libyen und wegen eines zukünftigen, milliarden schweren Schadenersatzes erfolgt.

    Bitte überlegen Sie folgendes: Glauben Sie wirklich, die falschen bezw. manipulierten Beweise (Hardware and Software) welche bei der Scottish Justice liegen und von mir, ex Ing U.Lumpert und eventuell von Prof. Steve Clark, of the University of California, USA, as an identification expert, können durch das Erfolgshonorar nachträglich beeinflusst oder verändert werden? NEIN!

    Die Erfolgsprämie von US$ 200 mio ist nach einer positiven Revision des Gerichtsurteils im "Lockerbie-Fall" zu Gunsten Mr. Abdelbaset al Megrahi und Libyens absolut angemessen: Erfolgsprämie US$ 200 mio gegenüber der Freiheit Mr. Al Megrahi; Rückerstattung der Hinterbliebenen Gelder von US$ 2.7 milliarden, plus Zins; Rückerstattung von Pan American Airways (+Minmar Ltd) US$ 140 millionen, plus Zins; Schadenersatz für 9 jähriges UN-Embargo gegen Libyen, laut Leader Moammar Al Gadhafi US$ 35 milliarden etc.

    A further rebutting evidence to the lies expressed by ex FBI task Force chief Richard Marquiese, in BBC the film: Conspiracy files: Lockerbie.

    In reply to a claim by Edwin Bollier, the boss of a Swiss company he had been offered money (US$ 4 mio) by the FBI, Marquise said: 'I can promise you we offered everyone who was involved in the case the exact same – nothing. They were never offered anything for their testimony, for their information concerning this case.'

    Still at the 04/22/96 over Abdel Basset Ali Al Megrahi on the Internet under the Web page, >< the following call publishes. Excerpt from the text:

    The United States Department of State and the U.S. airline industry are offering a reward of up to $ 4,000,000 for information leading to the apprehension and prosecution of Al-Megrahi (Fhimah).
    The U.S. Government can also provide for the protection of identity and the possibility of relocation for persons and their families furnishing such information. + Photo and Description from Mr. Abdelbasset al Megrahi

    If you have information about Al-Megrahi (Fhimah) or the PanAm 103 bombing, contact authorities or the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. In the United States, call your local office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or 1-800-HEROES-1, or write to: HEROES, P.O. Box 96781 Washington, D.C. 20090-6781 U.S.A. (All identities are kept strictly confidential).

    I aim glad that you do believe that Abdulbasset al Megrahi is innocent, thanks.

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd, Switzerland

  5. DavidBen-Aryea

    You write the truth, MEBO Ltd. have supplies since 1975 the Libyan army and the ex GDR security "STASI", with electrotechnical devices and materials, not weapons, ammunition or explosives!
    Question: What has the falsified/manipulated MST-13 timer fragment to do with Libya and the state security service "STASI", if today it can be proved by examined that the MST-13 fragment (PT/35B) does not descend from a functional timer, but manipulated from an empty print plate (electronic prototype circuit PC-board)?
    This fragment was as can be to day undouptedly proved, not involved in the crash of the PanAm 103, therefore it was not examined by expert Dr. Thomas Hayes (RARDE) intentionally after explosive traces. It shows also like negligently the Scottish Justice with this determining affair goes around and the reproach of Ed.Bollier over the manipulation of the MST-13 fragment until today does not to want examine ? What has to be covered?
    I'm sorry my english, by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd, Switzerland

  6. Sadly (or perhaps fortunately) I do not read German...Mr. Billier is correct when he claims he did not supply explosives or weapons - just timers that could be used to detonate explosives supplied by others.

    Having listened to every words he said at Zeist, having read the 82 page judgement document, having heard Mr. Bollier confirm that he had indeed worked with an un-known American agent after the bombing, the Libyans before the bombing and now confirms he had supplied the East German Security Service (Stasi) the only, the only conclusions I can reach is (a)
    Methinks this man protesteth too much.
    (b) Notwithstanding the protestations and comments he makes (and I DO agree with some of them) Mr. Bollier (as with quite a few other non-Scots who claim a locus in this case) are NOT qualified in Scots Law.
    (c) In view of his admission of expectations of up to TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS 'reward' for his assistance in the release of Megrahi (Whom I have always believed to be innocent) I confess to having some small difficulty in accepting Mr. Bolliers claims and/or motives for making them.
    (d) There is nothing stopping Mr. Bollier instructing legal action (Civil or other) either in Scotland or the United States of America should he feel he has been wronged unjustly or illegally - he would, of course, lay himself open to further examination or retaliatory legal action,

  7. Mr Davidben-Aryea

    I aim glad that you do believe that Abdulbasset al Megrahi is innocent, thanks. I am convinced that he is innocent, because I possess fundamental defence evidence.
    Very interesting an explanation would be to heard by you, why you believed, Mr. Al Megrahi is innocent?
    Besides, I have a motive for my protests and find the truth in the Lockerbie-affair, not to forget: MEBO had gotten among other things a compensation complaint of Pan Amercan Airways, over US$ 32'000'000 +5% interest since 1989 for the destruction of the Boeing 747!

    by Edwin Bollier, MEBO LTD, Switzerland

  8. IF Mr. Bollier has 'fundamental defence evidence' let him make that 'fundamental defence evidence' freely available to Mr. Megrahi's current Scottish Legal Defence team. THEY can decide as to (a) it's provenance (b) it's potential to stand the full legal process of examination and cross-examination in court and (c) whether or not it would be in Megrahi's best interests to avail themselves of the 'fundamental defence evidence'.

    YES I DO believe Megrahi is innocent: I WAS at the scene the first night: I was the first to say it was a bomb: I was the first to raise questions about both FBI Agent Thurman and CIA officer Cannistraro: (AND several other persons of interest) I have many more 'firsts' and files but I do NOT seek wast amounts of money: I do not have an expensive city centre office nor expensive 4X4 vehicle...I do not constantly flood the internet with sensational claims that merely confuse and obfuscate the cause of Truth and Justice.

    I regret to say, Mr. Bollier, that your entire range of activities of late has done NOTHING to further the cause of the second appeal...your claim for a 'reward' perhaps but NOT the official appeal under Scots Law.

    DO you and several other 'high profile commentors' on Lockerbie REALLY care about Megrahi's release or are you all motivated by your own financial self-interests.

    As you left the witness box at Zeist you made several attempts to tell their Lordhsips, (and the coutr, and the world's media what you alluded to as 'the truth'' and yet you did NOT speak to the media waiting outside and went strangely silent for some considerable time thereafter. Was this when you began negotiating the potential 200MILLION Dollar reward?

    Your constant barrage of posts, e-mails and multi-facettted claims of late have done little or nothing to advance Megrahi's fight for release - indeed it could be claimed that by muddying the waters, repeatedly and often you are causing damage to the fight for truth and justice.

    You may recall your telephone call to me in Zeist the night the two accused surendered - I gave you sound advice then - it's a pity you have since totally ignored it.

    How do I believe that Megrahi is innocent? I have several reasons...but, given the record of your activities over the past 19+ years...I could not seriously consider discussing them over the internet at this time, especially with someone who would, undoubtedly spread them around the globe for his own agenda,
