Saturday 6 September 2008

From a Libyan source

The following is from an article published today on the website of the Libyan news agency Mathaba.Net:

'Rice began a four-nation tour of North Africa in Tripoli, Libya on Friday, meeting with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and other top officials in what the State Department is calling a landmark trip that will symbolize the opening of a new era in ties between the United States and the oil-rich country of Libya.

'Libya succeeded in obtaining good relations with the USA by making several concessions which included billions of dollars in payments to the USA. The "concessions" included allowing the USA and Britain to lay the blame on Libya for the downing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie which killed hundreds of people. To this day the real perpetrators of this crime have not been sought, with an innocent Libyan languishing in a Scottish jail.

'It also involved Libya creating a fictitious "nuclear weapons" program, so that some odd looking parts and charts, could be handed over to the USA so as to show that any nation that "give up" its weapons can become a friend of the USA. Needless to say, no program ever existed, and the hiring of Pakistanis and others by Libya was merely designed to give some credence to the plan.

'Furthermore, Libya paid huge "compensation" payments to families of the Lockerbie bombing, agreed to release doctors and nurses who had been found guilty of deliberately infecting children in Libya with AIDS, sharing of intelligence, giving up records and intelligence on the Irish Republican Army and other organizations, and allowing USA to show Libya as an opposite example to Iraq.

'The lessons remain clear for all to see: if you have WMD do not give them up, for you will not be attacked - witness North Korea, China, Russia, India, Pakistan and the Zionist entity. If you do not have WMD, expect to be attacked, unless you are clever enough as Libya to allow a good PR campaign for the US by creating and then giving up a fictitious program.'

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