Sunday 24 August 2008

Lockerbie - Mueller, Thurman, Bollier, Lumpert and a timer

This is the heading over a post dated 23 August on the Terrorism blog. Amongst many other things, it quotes responses from The Herald website to the two Lockerbie letters published there. Once again, however, it contains the false statement that Abdelbaset Megrahi's counsel at Zeist, Bill Taylor QC, has become a sheriff.


  1. Thank you for pointing out the error in our blog entry on Lockerbie.

    Kindest regards,


  2. When somebody like Richard Marquise makes such obstreperous and outlandish comments (see "Terrorism" blog), it's a pretty clear sign that he's either lost the argument or the plot!

  3. Mr Marquise's comment indicates the need for more information.

    The senior investigator I was referring to was Vincent Cannistraro of the CIA, within days put in charge of the investigation.

    Cannistraro is well documented as having worked alongside Oliver North on Iran-Contra. In that campaign, paid mercenaries were employed to invade Nicaraguan farms and villages, shoot fleeing civilians, "target" town officials and judges. All is still contained in the Manual of Insurgency published and maintained from the Iran-Contra office of the White House, and partly available still on the CNN website.

    Iran-Contra finally was exposed when a CIA-funded plane containing a Eugene Hasenfus was shot down. Hasenful confessed. Shortly afterwards, Cannistraro drew up the minutes of a secret Inter-agency Group (RIG). The advice was 1. Pretend that the US government had no involvement. 2. Claim that the mercenaries were honourable men. 3. Find and pay lawyers to defend them. 4. Discourage US media from following up the story.
    The minutes are contained in an email written by Cannistraro, and published in 1995 by the National Security Archive of America as part of the infamous "White House Email". The editor Tom Blanton describes the Cannistraro email as "... the Anatomy of a lie." It was written just two years before the Lockerbie bombing took place.

    Cannistraro also had dealings with Congressman Charlie Wilson. He describes one meeting with Wilson, and how Wilson would supply $300 million for development of covert arms for the Afghanistan Mujahedeen. This meeting too is described in an email written by Cannistraro, two years before the Lockerbie bombing.

    When Iran-Contra was exposed, North and Admiral John Poindexter attempted to delete and shred the thousands of documents recording their activities and those of Cannistraro and others. Only rapid and strong court action halted their activities. Some 4000 remained, to form the basis of the Tower Commission investigation and subsequent trial of Oliver North and others.

    I'm happy for anyone who wishes to follow up these matters for themselves in the Library of Congress, the National Security Archive, or relevant internet sites, to contact me. My email address is

    Let us hope and pray that the uneasy background to the Lockerbie investigation and trial will finally be exposed in a second appeal.

  4. With apologies to Professor Black who has acknowledged to me that this was not his post. However, he only chose to point out out one small error when it contained numerous ones. Vincent Cannistraro was not in charge of the investigation as it was the FBI which was leading the investigation in the United States. Additionally, Cannistaro was long retired by the time the investigation turned to Libya. I agree that the truth should always come out but believe (partial) justice was rendered back in 2001 in Zeist.

  5. Dear Mr Marquise, thank you for the above clarification. Sadly, again, however, your facts on one important issue are wrong.

    Vincent Cannistraro did not retire until 1991. This was more than two years after Dr Thomas Hayes claimed to have been the first person to discover the alleged fragment of the bomb on 12 May 1989. To claim that Cannistraro was already retired when the key evidence was said to have been found and reported on is therefore incorrect.

    The fragment appeared in an evidence bag whose label was first completed by Detective Constable Gilchrist on 13 January 1989. Gilchrist in evidence admitted he'd never noticed the fragment, and could not recall finding it. He claimed to a friendly prosecution advocate that the several alterations on the label were not all in his handwriting. The label entry CLOTH had been carefully overwritten with the capital letters DEBRIS in a way which Gilchrist admitted in court was an attempt by some unknown person "to deceive the eye". (Trial transcript).

    Cannistraro remained Chief of Operations and Analysis at the CIA's Counterterrorist Center until 1991, the year of the indictments issued against the two Libyan suspects.

    Although originally listed as a prosecution witness, Cannistraro was not called to testify at the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial. His explanation, as indicated by me elsewhere in the blogspot, was that he "imagined that the Department of Justice removed my name from the list." (On camera interview). For someone in his position to not know exactly how and why he was not called to testify beggars belief.

  6. I respectfully disagree. Cannistraro retired in August 1990-- I know because I had the FBI Director write him a letter upon his retirement. The CIA did a good thing after he left their employ in the CTC--they named a Secret Service agent to lead their aspect of the investigation. The MEBO connection had not yet been fleshed out by the time VC left CIA. I am not certain where your information comes from but it is totally wrong. In November 1990 (not 1991) I was amazed to read in the newpapers Cannistaro's claim that Libya was behind the attack and that was AFTER he left the CIA-

  7. Dear Mr Marquise,

    The information regarding Mr Cannistraro's retirement date and his involvement with Iran-Contra and Afghanistan is confirmed from his Wikipedia entry on the internet and the section tabbed "discussion".

  8. Aplogies to all. The above post regarding Wikipedia should have been under my name.

  9. Clearly the proof is in the details. As we all know Wikipedia is full of inaccuracies. Although the dates of Mr. Cannistraro's service are shown in the main article and there are two references shown, neither confirms the date of his retirement. I stand by my assertion that he retired in 1990.

  10. The ex special agent of the FBI and (TRAC), Richard A. Marquise, exposed
    himself with his own justifications!

    Was he possibly the central organization-figure in the conspiracy
    against Libya in the Lockerbie-Affair in which he positions himself
    now protecting before his employees at that time, as for example, to
    the questionable FBI experts Tomas Thurman?

    His "Soap Opera" in his "novel" Scotbom: Evidence and the Lockerbie
    Investigation, leads to this acceptance!
    Because of his bad conscience towards the Libyan people, the
    innocently convicted official, Abdelbaset al Megrahi, the Scottish
    Justice, MEBO and other persons, Richard Marquise cannot enjoy his
    pension in rest night and day.

    There is nothing else left to him for his defense, than everything
    Edwin Bollier, from MEBO Ltd, ascertained as defense evidences.


    In the run of the criminal investigations in the Lockebie-Affair the
    Swiss Federal Police (BUPO) in April 1990 showed FBI-Polaroid-Fotos of
    a fragment of an electronic board to the owners of MEBO Ltd (Erwin
    Meister and Edwin Bollier).
    Edwin Bollier understood quickly, that the pictures showed a fragment
    of a MST-13 timer PC-board fabricated by MEBO.
    At a close inspection Bollier noticed an important detail that the
    PC-board originated from a handmade Prototype and that it was
    fabricated from a non-functioning MST-13 timer.

    After further interviews through FBI-Officials and officers of the
    Scottish Police in Zurich and after Bollier's visites in 1991 at the
    FBI in Washington and at the Scottish Police in Glasgow he understood
    clearly: The allegedly found MST-13 timer fragment in Lockerbie was a
    manipulated piece of evidence with the intention to link Libya with
    the Lockerbie-atrocity.

    In 1991 Bollier was invited to the FBI Headquarter in Wahington and
    Commissioner Richard Marquise offered him up to 4 million US$ and a
    new identity in the States if he would confirm in a police statement,
    that the allegedly found MST-13 timer fragment originated from one of
    the 20 timers delivered to Libya between 1985 und 1986.

    Now there was no more doubt for Bollier that a huge conspiracy against
    Libya was on the way.

    Contrary to the Libyan crown witness against Libya, Abdul Jiacha, - an
    agent in the sold of the CIA – Bollier rejected the offer. Jiacha is
    currently living in the USA under a new identity.

    Because this offer became known today Mr. Marquise calls Edwin Bollier
    a liar and connects the normal actions with the military in Libya,
    which had nothing to do with the PanAm 103 attempt.

    Ex Special agent Marquise must be brought this time as a witness by
    the Appeal Court in Edinburgh.
    To prepare, Mr. Marquise would be recommended, on Sunday 31st August on
    BBC Two, at 21.00 BST in the newest documentary film: The Conspiracy Files Lockerbie.

    The trailer for this programme, which is to be broadcast on BBC Two on
    Sunday, 31 August 2008 at 21.00 BST, can be viewed on:

    Contents and fact:

    > No Bomb Bag from Malta via Frankfurt to flight PA-103 in London Heathrow.

    > Manipulated and fabricated MST-13 timer fragment, is not from a "Libya MST-13 Timer".

    > Eng. U.Lumpert's original Affidavit dated 18 of July, 2007 sign. 5 of November, 2007, with Apostille (Convention de la Haye du 5 Oktobre 1961)

    > Libya and the official Abdelbaset Al Megrahi do not have anything to do with the "Lockerbie Tragedy".

    By Edwin Bollier, VR, MEBO Ltd.

  11. Mr. Bollier, I will ask you why YOU walked into the US Embassy in Vienna in 1989 and left a letter which blamed Libya for the bombing after you read news reports that said the investigation was looking at Libya. This happened in January, 1989, long before you testified, under oath, in a hearing in Switzerland in November, 1990, that you made only a few of the timers which had a circuit board similar to PT-35--ALL delivered to Libyan offcials. The comments you have made about me offering you money to implicate Libya are so wrong. As I recall you first said it was offered by another FBI official. I would hope that you could at least be consistent with the story.

  12. I made an error in my last post and have corrected it in line 6 replacing Libya with the PFLP-GC. And by the way Mr. Bollier, I have no animosity toward Libya or the Libyan people. As an investigator, I was trained to follow the evidence and that is what I did.
    Mr. Bollier, I will ask you why YOU walked into the US Embassy in Vienna in 1989 and left a letter which blamed Libya for the bombing after you read news reports that said the investigation was looking at the PFLP-GC. This happened in January, 1989, long before you testified, under oath, in a hearing in Switzerland in November, 1990, that you made only a few of the timers which had a circuit board similar to PT-35--ALL delivered to Libyan offcials. The comments you have made about me offering you money to implicate Libya are so wrong. As I recall you first said it was offered by another FBI official. I would hope that you could at least be consistent with the story.

    27 August, 2008

  13. This contribution is published mornings in perfect English language.

    Ex FBI Special Agent, Richard Marquise, here are my answers:

    Wieso ich vorsätzlich und durch Erpressung eines unbekannten Agenten, einen Brief an den Chef der CIA, dem US Konsulat in Zürich schicken sollte, wissen Sie vermutlich besser als ich?!

    Da ich den Brief nicht an das US Konsulat in Zürich schickte, sondern ich persönlich (im Januar 1989) einen Fang-Brief in die US Botschaft in Austria übergab, brachte vermutlich Ihre Planung, Libya in das PanAm-103 Attentat zu verwickeln durcheinander.

    To your memory you find detailed details over this affair on mine webpage:

    They knew as FBI Chief Investigator of the Terrorist Research and Analytical center (TRAC) at least 10 months before the accusation of Libya (14/15 November 1991) that contents of my letter to the CIA could not be used for an accusation against Libya.
    By the way the Libyan Justice was already cleared up over the background of the CIA letter, for 1990 by me.
    It is obvious that the subversive action at that time against Libya and the two official Fhimah and Abdelbaset Al Megrahi activate, your bad conscience.

    The truth at the High Court in Edinburgh will bring it shortly to the day…

    Wir werden Sie bei dieser Gelegenheit, als Zeuge aufbieten lassen.
    This contribution is published mornings in perfect English language.
    By Edwin Bollier VR, MEBO Ltd.

  14. This contribution is published mornings in perfect English language.

    Ex FBI Special Agent, Richard Marquise, here are my answers:

    Wieso ich vorsätzlich und durch Erpressung eines unbekannten Agenten, einen Brief an den Chef der CIA, dem US Konsulat in Zürich schicken sollte, wissen Sie vermutlich besser als ich?!

    Da ich den Brief nicht an das US Konsulat in Zürich schickte, sondern ich persönlich (im Januar 1989) einen Fang-Brief in die US Botschaft in Austria übergab, brachte vermutlich Ihre Planung, Libya in das PanAm-103 Attentat zu verwickeln durcheinander.

    To your memory you find detailed details over this affair on mine webpage:

    They knew as FBI Chief Investigator of the Terrorist Research and Analytical center (TRAC) at least 10 months before the accusation of Libya (14/15 November 1991) that contents of my letter to the CIA could not be used for an accusation against Libya.
    By the way the Libyan Justice was already cleared up over the background of the CIA letter, for 1990 by me.
    It is obvious that the subversive action at that time against Libya and the two official Fhimah and Abdelbaset Al Megrahi activate, your bad conscience.

    The truth at the High Court in Edinburgh will bring it shortly to the day…

    Wir werden Sie bei dieser Gelegenheit, als Zeuge aufbieten lassen.
    This contribution is published mornings in perfect English language.
    By Edwin Bollier VR, MEBO Ltd.

  15. Comment; Lockerbie - Mueller, Thurman, Bollier, Lumpert and a timer

    Dear ex FBI Special Agent, Richard Marquise, here are my answers:

    I confirm you that I mistook the name at the interview by Prof.
    Koechler and first I said that the offer was made by another name of a
    FBI official, but in early 1991 at the FBI headquarters in Washington,
    the discussion between you and me was only in your Office and that's
    why only you have made the offer of about US$ 4 million and a new
    identity for me.

    I made the correction by Prof. Koechler.

    Over the background question on why I was blackmailed from an
    unknown agent with the order to send a letter by post to the US-Consulate in Zurich to the chief of the CIA, can you possibly better answer than I ?!

    I didn't send the letter, to the US consulate in Zurich, which was
    ordered by the agent, but instead I personally handed over a
    catch-letter to the US Embassy in Vienna in January 1989.

    I suppose that the plan to entangle Libya with the PanAm-103 bombing came to disorder?

    For your memory you can find, all the details of this affair on my

    You knew as the FBI Investigator of the Lockerbie-Case and as the
    Chief of the Terrorist Research and Analytical center (TRAC) at least 10 months before the official accusation of Libya (14/15November 1991) that contents of my letter to the CIA could not be used for an accusation against Libya.

    Your bad intention of attaching me today for a debt blame of Libya for
    the bombing, shows me that you probably want to push obviously your responsibility away from the fatal accusation of Libya?!

    By the way, the Libyan Justice (Supreme Court at Tripoli) was already cleared up for me in 1990 over the background of the CIA letter.
    It is obvious that the subversive action at that time against Libya
    and the two officials Khalifa Fhimah and Abdelbaset Al Megrahi
    activate your bad conscience.

    Mr. Richard A. Marquise, without noticing you confirm any defence
    evidence for Libya. Top of Form 1
    For example, Bottom of Form 1
    you confirm in your book "Scotbom: Evidence and the Lockerbie
    Investigation", under Chapter 11; that the PT-35 (MST-13) timer
    fragment descended of the first handfabricated prototype series of

    Original excerpt, under Chapter 11:
    "After Lumpert's statement, Lumpert (ex Engeneer, at MEBO Ltd) was the first witness and after examining a photograph the PT-35, testified the chip had come from a circuit board for a timer he designed and built in 1985 at the request of Bollier. -----

    ------He had learned one week prior to the hearing that this timer might have been used in a bomb.
    He believed the chip had come from one of the first timers made. He
    detailed how he had designed this circuit board, nothing the slight
    imperfections on PT-35. Once the master board was made, the
    imperfections showed up on the other circuit boards from that master.

    Mr ex FBI Special Agent Marquise, why did you suppress this decisive
    determining proof from the court in Kamp van Zeist?

    I am convinced, its status function in the "Lockerbie Fraud" is unmasked!

    The truth at the High Court in Edinburgh will bring it shortly to the day…

    We require that you appear on the High Court in Edinburgh as a witness.

    Edwin Bollier, VR MEBO Ltd

  16. "We require that you appear on the High Court in Edinburgh as a witness." Who are "we"? Have you now become counsel Bollier? More lies to add to your and Lumpert's dossiers? Perhaps you could give us a few more laughs in your postings by "enlightening" us about your bomb testing adventures in the Libyan desert, the radio communications conducted for Libya from MEBO II, and the office space you rented to Megrahi & Fimah?
