Friday 18 July 2008

Lockerbie Appeal Drags On.....

Ed's Blog City has a comment, under the above headline, on yesterday's post "Justice delayed...". It reads:

"Professor Robert Black QC has today voiced his dissatisfaction at the length of time the appeal of Megrahi is taking through the Scottish court, and the obstructive and hindering tactics employed by the crown throughout the appeal since the recommendations made by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission a year ago.

It would appear that there are in what we term our 'democratic' and 'free' society, groups and individuals who are accountable to no-one. We are surrounded by liars, hypocrites and those who say they follow the rule of law, while doing whatever they damn well like if the desired result is the conclusion they would seek.

It is absolutely clear, to even the most docile, that we have an innocent man languishing in a Scottish Prison, put there by individuals who have performed every deceitful illegal manoeuvre available, manipulated the due course of Law, suppressed vital and legitimate evidence and capitulated to the subterfuge of international Politics and Governments - all paid for by the UK taxpayer.

The crown in the Megrahi appeal, under instruction of the UK government, have created a ‘National Security’ which only serves to prohibit ordinary people from the truth under the pretence that it is in the publics benefit not to know, and provides those with power, authority and those attuned sympathetically such as judges and lawyers ‘on the inside’ with the cloak of protection to carry out the very injustices and hidden agendas we have witnessed."


  1. Anonymous18 July, 2008

    Megrabi isn't the only innocent prisoner in the UK. There are many, many more who have been set up by government agencies involved in massive criminal activities. These people are convicted because their trials are rigged through extensive use of PII, participating informants used as prosecution witnesses, failure to make disclosure, creeping disclosure, fabricated documentation, defence legal teams working together with the prosecution, judges working for the Crown rather than justice. Their trials exactly mirror Magrabi's

  2. Anonymous18 July, 2008

    I think it came as a shock in Scotland that the UK government could withhold a document crucial to the defence but here in the UK it is the norm in government sensitive cases.
