Monday 3 December 2007

Scotland's Legal Who's Who

To see "A full run down of the 100 most powerful and influential people in the Scottish justice system and legal profession as voted for by readers of The Firm" go to

At no 11 (from nowhere in last year's rankings) is Dr Jim Swire and at no 29 (up from 74) is Tony Kelly, Mr Megrahi's solicitor. Evidence, I think, that the Scottish legal profession at least is getting the message about the Lockerbie miscarriage of justice.


  1. One of the biggest chart climbers in 2007, who seemingly insists upon "hiding lights under bushels", is this year's No 7: Professor Robert Black of Edinburgh University. He was 62nd last year.

  2. Winston Churchill is reputed to have said of Clement Attlee that he was a "modest little man, with plenty to be modest about." There are those who would say the same (and worse) of me.
