Sunday, 23 December 2007

Lockerbie story heads to Hollywood

This is the headline over a story in Scotland on Sunday. In fact, what is revealed is the forthcoming publication of a novel, Flight 103, on 24 January 2008. This is a fictionalised account of the Lockerbie disaster by Juval Aviv, writing under the pseudonym Sam Green. It takes the line that Iran, not Libya, was responsible for the atrocity (which is not surprising given that Aviv was the author of the Interfor Report for Pan Am after the disaster, which arrived at the same conclusion). That a film based on the book might be made seems mere speculation. For the full story, see:

For more on Juval Aviv, see the 27 October post on this blog:


  1. Aviv has been proven to be a fabricator since 1989. His version of what happened at Lockerbie was discredited by the facts--the evidence--something he never bothered to come up with when he was an investigator for Pan Am. This will be another fictional creation of his version of events and it should be recalled that his version, a portion of which blamed a young middle eastern passenger on the plane, was also discredtied by none other than one of his former supporters, Lester Coleman, who admitted in court ten years ago that he had fabricated his story. Aviv was not believed by other than the incredible in 1989 and anything he writes today, even if published, should not be believed today.

  2. There is, of course, no connection to be made in the assertions about Aviv's credibility from 1989, and his investigation on behalf on Pan Am from '89 onwards. The oldest trick in the book of the powerful nations throughout history : the dissenters should not exist - and if they do, at least not with any crediblity.

    It's a trick so old it's got knobs on - there's books on it and everything....

    Previous to Aviv's investigation in 1989, he was a highly regarded expert on middle east terrorism, and party to numerous contracts with the US and it's security agencies. To this day he is still highly regarded - that is outside the parametres of Lockerbie. He is also, apart from the odd article or book, is a frequent expert on terrorism still used by Fox News.

    However, when he pointed a finger of blame in connection with the 103 tragedy at the US government, he suddenly becomes a 'fabricator' or some sort of 'conspiracy nut' - as has Coleman, Francovich, Goddard, Jim Swire, Paul Foot, Tam Dalyell, Dr Hans Koechler, Pierre Salinger, the list is endless, although curiously is only ever attributed to those who dare to question our 'honourable' government's version of events in 1988.

    Even recently Prof Black himself has had the same such scurrilious and fatuous accusations made of him. In all other aspects of their careers, these same people are highly respected, have a wealth of experience, and offer valued opinions - except in the realms of the Lockerbie disaster of course. It is only then they obviously become fantasists. That conclusion in itself, really says it all.

    This conspiracy nut/fabricator label requires no conflict of thought by the accuser, nor allows them to consider any possiblity of sinister motives and policies from within national governments. It's the easy way to dismiss any possible thoughts of wrong-doing by your government, and or, it's security agencies. No thinking required.

    When faced with state sponsored terror, first and foremost responsibilty for it's citizens, regardless of the location in the world, falls on their respective governments.

    The country that citizen happens to be in at the time of threat, carries the responsibilty for the next line of defence.

    Thirdly it would fall on the relevant airport if such threats are made against the public and air transport. The last line falls to the airline - Pan Am.

    All of the former are not just seemingly absolved of any blame or misdeeds in the disaster, but those who assert any impropriety, in any way, are immediately labelled as frauds, conspiracy nuts and with some sort of ulterior agenda.

    As Paul Foot once noted : "Any investigative journalist should consider pressure from any government or charges of perjury a reason to publish, not to keep quiet."
